Catching up

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As me and Alice waited for the ride I saw something I never thought I would see. I saw My girlfriend kissing another guy. I was already in a bad mood and now I'm beyond piss. I left Alice side and marched straight over to them . My teeth were gritted and my fist were clenched.

I tapped in the guys shoulder and he didn't break from the kiss. He tried swatting my arm as if it were a fly. I then grabbed his back and pulled him, throwing him far toward the trash can.

"WHAT THE FU-Crissy H-how," She didn't finish her sentence. I grabbed her arm and we left to her house.

Once we arrived to her house I didn't hesitate to get out and open her car door. This actually turned her on since she kept bitting her lip in a seductive way.

Her parents weren't home as expected. I went straight toward her bedroom and threw her on the bed. I took of my shirt which made her gaze at my body.

I got on top of her and kissed her roughly.

I then took off all her clothing quickly and took off my pants. She kept moaning everytime I kissed her neck roughly. She then took off my boxers and bit my lip. I didn't hesitate to go gentle in her. With each thrusting I went harder and harder. We soon reached our climax and I started dressing myself. Once I was fully changed I was about to walk out the door till she called me back.

"Crissy come back to bed and cuddle with me,"She said in a pleading voice. I chuckled and turned to her.

"Go ask your boyfriend," I said without emotion.

She looked taken back and shocked by what I said.

"What are you talking about you are my boyfriend for crying out loud we just had sex!" She said with tears threatening to pour out.

"Correction ex boyfriend and anyone can have sex with just about anyone it's just about the pleasure given," I said with a cold tone.

She looked at me in disbelief and I smiled at her then went out her door . I left her house and drove home feeling satisfied . Once I laid down on bed it finally clicked in my head 'Alice!'

Just then I heard the front door being opened and someone walking upstairs.

After I heard Alice's door shutting I knew it was her. I went toward her room and opened the door. I couldn't help but feel guilty since I left her.

"Hey?" I said kinda awkward.

"Ummm... hi," she said not even looking up at me.

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