umm..? What!

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After that drama scene me and Christian went for the carnival games. He won in the basketball game stand and I won in a toss in stand.

" Hey do you want cotton candy?" Christian asked. I felt extremely happy since I love cotton candy. "Yessss!!!" I said sounding a bit over excited. He chuckled and bought me one . "Here you go Ma' Lady," He said sounding a bit like a cowboy.

I felt my cheeks heating up and quickly looked down but let out a giggle. After that we headed for the rides. We were in line for the Hammer. It was a cool high ride that' s speed was up to the max. I couldn't hide my excitement and kept jumping.

After like 15 minutes of waiting we were the next group to go. I kept smiling since I really do love this ride.

"I wish alice would of come to the fair!" I heard a familiar voice say behind me. Once I turned around I saw it was sarah with bobby. "ALICE!" I heard Sarah  yell.

I smiled and gave her a hug . "Did you come here with Someone or what?" She asked. I was going to say with Christian but he wasn't in sight. "Umm... no i came with someone?" i said but It came out more like a question.

She patted my shoulder and soon we were next. I sat next to a random guy. "Hey," He greeted me in a polite manner. I looked at him and he had Crytsal blue eyes. He was tan and seemed really nice. I couldn't tell his height since currently we were all sitting. His hair was a dark color.

"Hi," I said a little nervous.

"What's your name, " He asked.

I told him and we made small talks. I found out his name was marvin he was currently single he loves sports soccer in particular. He also has a german shepherd who's still a puppy. Last and most importantly he finds me cute and asked me to go out with him tomorrow.

Once the ride was over I stuck with him.

He kept making me blush most the time. The fair was coming to an end so we bid our farewells. After that he did something unexpected. He hugged me and kissed my cheek then called me beautiful and left.

I walked home by myself and couldn't stop thinking of that kiss to the cheek. It was sweet and Very polite of him.

Once I got to my house i quickly went to my room and entered. I took off my clothes and only had my undergarments on. Just thwn someone opened my door and I was embarrassed when I saw Christian.

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