Sweet escape

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I woke up to find myself and Beatrice in the same bed. 

I honestly don't remember that much since I drank some beers. But its werid how I can't remember much since I didn't get that drunk. Its quiet impossible to get drunk with corona's especially if its 3 beers. But then again I did pop some pills.  

I got up and grabbed some boxers along with some shorts and a shirt. 

I know either sometime this week or next week I'm a break up with beatrice since I don't like being tied down. 

Don't get me wrong I don't just want sex-well... I do but i just can never see myself being with them. If I do find a girl that I feel is right and respects themself then I would love to try it out.

I nudged Beatrice and asked her to leave. 

"But I want to cuddle with you come on.." She whined. 

"Beatrice seriously you gotta go I'm a hang out with the guys, " I told her . 

But she didn't get the hint that I wanted some guy time. 

"I'll go with you," She insisted making me groan. 

"No! I told you I'm going with the guys. At no time did I say we I said me only." 

I gathered her clothes and tossed them to her. 

She scoffed and went to the bathroom to change. 

I walked downstairs and saw Marvin . He was eating some pancakes along with Lily and Alice. 

" Oh my gosh Niall is a hottie!" Lily gushed. She was talking about one Direction yet again. 

"No! Liam is!" Alice argued. 

Just then the door opened and I saw Marisela walking in by herself . 

"Hey peeps ," She yelled making me flinch. 

"Mars! Isn't Niall a total babe!" Lily yelled. 

"No! Liam" Alice protested. 

"Both of you Are Wrong! IT'S HARRY DUHHH!!!" Marisela Argued. She then went with the girls and for some reason they started mentioning other guys like Ryan Reynolds and etc. 

Girls can sometimes act like total girls.

Ernie walked near me and looked at me weirdly. 

"Dude are you going back to that old habit?" He asked clearly dissatisfied.  

"What are you doing here so early?" I asked changing the subject. 

He shook his head and walked away. 

"Ernie! " Marisela squealed. I decided to go hang out with bobby.  

I haven't talked much to Bobby but we were friends since Last year.


"So you and Beatrice huh?" Bobby cooed. 

"ehh... So how are you and sarah?" I questioned. 

He chuckled and throw the basketball which made. 

"Well I'm planning on breaking up with her cause I've had my eyes on Alice for a while now and I bet she'd be good in bed," He chuckled. 

"Isn't she datinh marvin?" I quickly brought it up to make him aware she's off limits. 

"I don't care she's had a thing for me except I wanted to try out sarah first and then her," he said. I was fuming inside no one messes with Alice. 

"Hey dude I gotta go I remember I was suppose to take lily somewhere," I lied. 

He shrugged and continued playing. 


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