1. Dead

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Present day, Earth

A calming tune can be heard filling the entire room, not a single chatter disrupted the serenity. Everyone is immersed in their own world, losing themselves in the music.

If you look at the front of the room, an orchestra, situated over a big stage in front of the crowd, is playing a calming tone, like a spring breeze, making one, want to close their eyes and savor it. Everything screams wealth, and extravagance, from the intricate designs of the hall to the atmosphere from all the audiences present. The people with sophisticated stature and elegance filled the entire room.

A woman wearing an expensive looking suit, while cozily leaning on her chair, is gently swaying her head from left to right listening to the music with her eyes closes.

The soft melody coming from the orchestra embracing her whole being.

Some people may like pop music, rock, or r&b, but this type of music is her type of music. Of course she listens to other types of music. But classical music is what calms her soul, it is what's letting her forget her worries and unwanted thoughts.

As the music is coming to an end. The woman woke up from her trance, revealing a sharp and alluring dark eyes.

While closed, it can be said to be the eyes of an angel. But as it stared straight at you, it will suck you in, without you even knowing, and while glaring, those very eyes can pull you to the depths of hell.

The woman with the piercing eyes stood up from her chair and walked her way to the exit door, not minding the looks the crowd is giving her. She walked further away as the audience's applause could be heard in the background.

Staring at herself in the mirror of the theatre's comfort room, her brows are meeting between. The woman clenched her fist and sighed.

After this momentary night of rest, she knew she would go back to her endless days of work. As she thought of it, a sigh escape out of her red lips.

She's a very busy woman, as a CEO of her own established company, she rarely has time for herself. But those times are her most favorite times, she could do whatever she wants and continue pursuing her endless hobbies.

Living alone for all her life taught her different things on how to survive, from different crafts that sell, to different ways on how to trick people to get what she wants.

She crawled her way to the top, from being an orphan to one of the most successful personality in the world.

But she's never happy, all her life she never learned how to trust anyone aside from herself, that's why she never had any friends or people to talk to, about anything.

"If only i can live my life again, I'll do anything to be happy," that's what she always thought to herself.

This may be an abundant life, but never fulfilling.

She already did everything she wanted to do, from her childish desire of owning an ice cream truck to her biggest goal of avenging her little sister from the people who abused her.

"I already gave you your justice Wendy, are you happy there? I wish you were here so we can enjoy the things you wanted to do. I'm sorry if your big sister is such a weakling before, I'm sorry if i can't help you before. I'm sorry."

She can only say those things in her heart because her sister wouldn't be able to hear it anymore.

Being successful is fun and all, she get to buy what she wants, go where she wants, but she can never be what she wants, because a single mistake can bring down everything she worked hard for.

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