30. Deos

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Deborah's point of view

Three months ago, i faced a crisis that i can't seem to solve. I was frustrated with myself but i need to be strong in front of everyone, or else they'll see a weakness in me, and i wouldn't like that.

It was a stressing and frustrating time, so i decided to unwind with the kids. The children seem to enjoy our outing so it made me feel a little better, but the problem is still at the back of my mind.

Everyone of my children was there, except for the two, Howard and Silver. Howard doesn't really like hanging out with his siblings, especially his half siblings from Douglas' side, besides, he was always with his father wherever he goes.

Silver on the other hand, is nowhere to be seen, i don't know where her secret hideout is, but i'm pretty sure that she's there, so i let her be, she can protect herself so i'm not that worried. I'll just visit her after, when i have the time again.

When Howard came home with his father, i visited his chambers to seek for his opinion, but he's really a boy who was not interested in anything that does not affect him. He's a selfish child, all i can do is sigh in my heart, he got that attitude from his father. Whenever i try to get close with him, his father would do something to drift his son away from my guidance, that's how he became like that. After our unfruitful talk, i didn't feel any better, in fact it made me feel worse. There's nothing i can do for him, if he's not willing to let me. A mother can only do so much.

It took some time before i had my free time again, and this time i visited my daughter Silver. She's been going places a lot since she got here, i wanted to monitor her in secret but i know she'll notice it right away, so i got no choice but to monitor her closely whenever i can.

I never thought that she'll be friends with Flordel duchy's young lady, and even Princess Sapphire.

It was a shock for when i heard that she became friends with the Flordel lady. It was rumoured that she's a haughty and picky child when it comes to making friends, or in anything at all, she's also a noble daughter who has hate for commoners.

Being friends with the Flordel girl is shocking already, but being close with the Princess, is even more so.

The Princess never really liked talking to people a lot, she's a smart girl who is always busy with her studying. After encountering a dangerous situation, she seem to change her once hateful attitude. Whenever she has time to meet with people, it was only for formality. The only time that she got interested in anyone, is when she befriended my son, Howard.

Though i know that he only forced himself to be with her because she's a princess, but i didn't think that the princess will be persistent in persuading him. The persuasion of the princess lasted for two years, until it abruptly stopped. I don't know the reason but i guess the princess got tired of him.

But being acquainted with my Silver is really a shock, considering how serious that child can be.

The transportation problem is a problem that even my most intelligent advisors couldn't solve. I talked to my daughter, Silver without expecting that she can give an idea about my problem, but to just vent on her.

But when i told her about it, i didn't expect to have a solution right away. She brought me to a place she worked on, herself, it was a huge space and there are lots of items i can not name. When she showed me the so called train, i was quite astonished, it was moving without a horse to pull it, what a great invention.

When i brought out the plan for the construction of the magus train, a lot of council members are opposed to it.

"We cannot let a project that might harm anyone to just be approved like that." An insignificant council member opposed my proposal.

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