9. Warmth

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Silver's point of view

I was away from the fight but the tense atmosphere is making me nervous.

While i was watching them fight off the bear, i remembered mother said that bear type monsters aren't that smart and have thinner skin on it's chest.

Without thinking about it, i subconsciously shouted those instructions.

I don't have any experience in fighting bigger monsters, only small ones, so i felt embarrassed when i shouted at those who are experienced.

But what i did not expect, is them doing what i said, i didn't even think that they will consider my plan, given that i only thought of it based on my observations and not from something really well thought of.

I just got frustrated when i realized that they can defeat that huge bear if only they do some team work. Team work is one of the best things that humans made, it makes things easier.

But this obviously experienced fighters aren't even thinking of utilizing their strengths and combining it with other's.

After they surprisingly used my not so well thought of plan, they defeated the monster making it fall on its back. It's so huge that it broke the trees on its way while falling, i even felt the ground shake.

Everyone cheered and celebrated, while mother looked my way.

I was smiling thinking to myself that she's really my excellent mother. I'm never going to admit it to her but she's really great.

Mother smiled back at me, but it quickly went away for whatever reason. Mother suddenly shouted my name making me startle.

I was looking at mother, running towards my direction when i heard a low growl from behind me. I looked behind as i saw a monster bear swinging its paw at me.

I quickly slapped Shade's behind making it go forward, but i guess i was too late as i felt a stinging pain on my back. I felt myself flying forward as my mind went blank.

I was expecting myself to fall on the hard ground, but it did not happen. I felt two strong arms holding me protectively, preventing me to fall.

I don't know what happened next but the only thing i can remember is the warm and comfortable embrace i was in.


Tara's point of view

I did everything i can to get to her in time but the bear is still faster. As i saw my daughter flying towards the ground, the only thing i can see is red.

As i caught my daughter mid air, i landed on solid ground and instantly faced the bear that wounded her. While still holding her in my arm, i mercilessly cut off it's neck, using mana on my sword, leaving its headless body shaking on the ground as blood splatters around.

But i didn't care about the bear, as i looked down at the unconscious face of my daughter. I looked at my hands, it shook with lots of blood covering it.

"Silver! Silver wake up! Mother is here!" I was shouting at her hoping to wake her up.

I don't know what to do, i was panicking when someone held my shoulder, i looked up at the person and the tears welling in my eyes, fell down on my cheeks.

"Help her! Please, i'm begging you, save her." I don't care if i look weak right now, i want my daughter safe, that's the only thing i want.

"Let me tend to her, i'm a healer." The woman who held my shoulder, knelt down beside me. She held out her two palms to my daughter and chanted a healing spell.

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