14. Girl

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Silver's point of view

When Lady Morty left with haste, only me, mother, and the woman from the bookstore are left. I don't know what they're doing but i'm pretty sure it's not something i would want to see my mother doing.

So i'm kinda thankful that mother and the woman from the bookstore are behind these gifts.

Now i am certain, this woman is my other mother, Deborah Anastasia Cross. The first time i saw her, i didn't get to think too deeply about her because we only briefly talked and she intimidated me for some reason.

But when i thought of it before, she perfectly gave justice to mother's exaggerated description, and i can say, it's not an exaggeration at all.

"Did you seriously forget that i'm still here?" I said, just to break their moment.

"Oh yeah, i forgot that you're still here." Mother took the gift i'm holding, and put it down on the ground without a care.

"Seriously, mother? I was holding those gifts trying not to get it dirty, but you just simply put it down there. You could have told me to put it down so i wouldn't have to hold it all this time." I can only show my displeasure towards mother by glaring at her, which of course she only laughed it off.

When the pile of gifts are removed, i can clearly see the woman, Deborah. Today she's wearing a dress, not looking any less expensive than the dress i saw her in before. It's a dark shade of blue, showing her smooth shoulders and collarbone. I'm not really a person who appreciates clothes that much, i have my own team of designers just for me, so all i do is choose what i want and i'll wear it.

"Deborah, i would like you to meet Silver, she's my daughter." Mother introduced me to her, she looked down at me with the biggest smile i ever seen on her face.

I also noticed that her eyes right now are of color black, meaning her guard is down.

Whenever we are out, or most of the time, mother is constantly circulating the mana in her body making her eyes red. I can only see her original eyes whenever there's only the two of us, the only time her guard is down.

She even taught me how to do it too. She said that it can improve my body and make me ready for a fight all the time. She also said that it can even improve my control of mana, and she's right, but not just my mana, even my magus control is improving at a rapid speed.

"Is she that child now?" Deborah asked mother while tears are running down her cheeks, unlike the last time, right now, she looks vulnerable.

"Yes," mother answered her and put her hand on my back gently pushing me towards her.

"My baby!" My eyes widen and i can't help but to gasp when she hugged me tight, so i took a step back without realizing it.

I'm unsure on how to greet her, so i said the first that came into my mind, "Uhmm, hello," i said while still in her arms.

She moved away from the embrace and held my cheeks looking straight at me. Her eyes are looking everywhere in my face, as if memorizing every inch of it.

"I'm your mother, Deborah. I thought i already lost you," she once again pulled me for a hug. I'm shakily tapping her back, letting her do what she wants, i understand what she's feeling right now.

We broke away from the hug as she stood up and faced mother. "Tell me all that happened," she said.

Mother Tara and Duchess Deborah talked inside our house, while i stay outside just to stare at the people walking around. There is a parked carriage outside our house, this one is pretty average looking, but i'm sure it's still of higher quality than most. There's also a coachman sitting in front of the carriage, and a knight standing at the side of our door. They looked at me and smiled, so i just smiled back.

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