24. Monica

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For the past two months, the Cross estate has been very busy. The Duchess announced that she will be bringing someone home. She told everyone in the domain that the one who is about to arrive is someone important to her, therefore someone that should be served properly.

The mansion that is biggest after the main mansion where the Grand Duchess lives, is cleaned properly and a lot of new maids and butlers are assigned. The Duchess is in a good mood the whole time of preparations, making everyone curious as to who this very important person was, that the Duchess herself is supervising the preparations.

But nobody assumed that the Duchess will bring home a child. The Cross Estate is already full of children that nobody even thought that the Duchess will bring one once more

At first, all the servants are confused, but when the Duchess announced that the child is her own flesh and blood, they all seem to understand. The Duchess has never been that happy, everyone was surprised, but the surprise turned into confusion again. How can the Grand Duchess have a daughter who is clearly a commoner? That child doesn't even look like the Duchess at all.

The first day of her arrival, a commotion has happened, their beloved eldest young master, insulted the newly brought commoner. He was the favorite child because everyone thinks that as the eldest child of the Duchess, he will automatically inherit the title. He grew up to be a very irresponsible and arrogant child, with the influence of his father, he became even more selfish. But they can't do anything about it, being the son of a powerful family gave him the power to look down on anyone, and if they make a mistake, they'll have to face the consequences.

When the commoner child arrived, they immediately compared her to their young master. The child may be a little kinder, but she doesn't look remarkable at all, just like an average commoner. Average looks, average attitude, and average bearing, that's their impression of her.

That's only the child's first day but they already evaluated her whole being. They have the tacit understanding that this child is not someone to be feared.

But what they didn't know, is that, the unremarkable child they don't pay much attention to, will grow up to become someone great. But that's another story for another time.

Right now, the panicking Agnes ran to the outside and tried to look for her young miss.

This is the first time in her forty five years of working that she's seen a scenario like that, it's not an exaggeration to say that she almost died on the spot, when her young miss jumped out the balcony.

She let it pass when the child didn't let them help her bathe and didn't even wear the dress they prepared, but when she jumped down the balcony, that's the last straw.

"Hohohoho..." the hearty laugh of the always serious Duchess broke the silence in the room.

Right now, Lady Agnes is inside the office of Her Grace, she was telling her the story of how her miss, didn't let them do their jobs and the jumping down the balcony incident. She was hoping to get the Duchess to take action about the behavior of the mischievous child, but she didn't expect that Duchess will only laugh it off, as if what she's saying is a joke.

"It's alright Agnes, Silver is a very independent child, if she wants to dress or bathe herself, just let her be. About her jumping around, you don't have to worry, she can save herself on time. I just want you to know that, she's not a child who enjoys childish things, so i hope you understand her. She doesn't look like it, but she's a very matured child for her age." Lady Agnes didn't know wether the Duchess is just explaining or boasting about her child. But with Her Grace's words, she became a little calmer, to the point where she actually thought she's just overreacting.

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