6. Spear

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After three years
Silver's point of view

As i thrust my spear towards mother, the only thing i can see is her. Any sort of mistake could mean my defeat, so i need to give it my all.

Mother said that the spear is a great weapon against someone using a sword, as it is a long range weapon.

The first time i held a spear, mother said that it's too long for me, so what i am using right now is a specially made spear to match my height and current strength. It's way shorter and lighter compared to mother's spear but it will do for now, i should have a weapon that supports me, and not hinder me, that's what mother said.

"It's been three years  since we trained, i can see a lot of improvements. As expected, my daughter is a genius, HAHAHAHA!" mother laughed heartily, feeling proud. She forcefully stroke towards my spear diagonally, making me open my defensive position, and sent a kick my way.

"Then, i'm sure this genius will defeat you today." I said while dodging her kick.

"What do you mean defeat? Not even training for hundreds of years will make you defeat me, you're far too weak!" Mother smirked my way, while she countered my strike.

"Let's see then!" I said, feeling my jaw clenched, my grip on the spear tightened while glaring at her. I once again thrust my spear directly towards her chest, losing my cool.

Because of my sleight, mother found an opening and flung my spear to her left making me lose my hold.

Mother used that opportunity to tackle me to the ground, stepping on my chest, not enough for it to hurt, but enough to prevent me from standing up, and pointed her wooden sword towards me.

"It's your defeat," mother said seriously as she got off me and stand to my side.

I propped my self up, using my elbows to support my upper body, still sitting down. I looked up at mother feeling ashamed.

"Why did you lose?" Mother asked me as she looked down at me, looking straight to my eyes. I feel a sense of reprimand from those eyes.

I looked straight at her because she said that i should never look away from an opponent. A warrior is a warrior even in defeat.

"Because i lost my concentration."
I answered.

"And why is that?" She's still looking at me, letting me think of my mistakes.

"I got annoyed at you, that's why i didn't think properly of my next attack, and just stroked."

Nobody would ever dare say that i'm not good enough, i'm the best in everything i put my heart in.

Being told that i'm weak is the thing that i hate the most, because of that weakness, i lost someone i love dearly, my sister, Wendy.

So it kinda pissed me off, when she said that i will never defeat her even if i train for hundreds of years, my ego was hurt because of it, and it sucks.

"It's good to know that you're aware of your mistakes. No matter how great of a fighter you are, if you lose your concentration in a battle, you will lose your head." She helped me stand up offering her hand.

"Yes, mother." I said, holding her  outstretched hand.

"Now for your punishment, you need to strike that dummy for five thousand times today, using the sword." Mother said as she pointed at the dummy we use for practice.

"Yes, mother." I answered her and ran towards the dummy picking up my very own wooden sword mother gave me on my fourth birthday.

Mother is left standing there. While i start positioning myself in front of the dummy and start striking.

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