33. Visitors

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Silver's point of view

It's has been a couple of days since my unwanted meeting with the dog, and it's been a couple of days too, since i had visitors in my room every night.

The dog was so infuriated with being humiliated by a child that he sent assassins to kill me every night. I don't think they're stopping to visit anytime soon.

I was walking along the long hallways of my mansion right now, it has been a long time since i visited my hideout so i'm heading there today. I also decided to just spend my night there because i never had a proper sleep since my night time visitors came.

Everytime a visitor comes at night, i need to be hospitable and give them proper greetings. So for a couple days, i wake up in the middle of the night and give them what they want, blood. The blood is not from me though.

It's not really a burden in my physical body to not sleep properly at night, because i already mastered the circulation of mana through out the day. But i'm still a human, my mind needs some rest, and only sleep can provide that.

I got into the hideout and cleaned up a little. This hideout has it's own water source and electricity, more like magus. The tall tree in the middle of the place now has a small tree house, i made it all by myself, and i'm proud of it. There's also a bunch of entertainment only i will know how to use, like an outdoor gym that i also made myself, an obstacle course, and a mini golf course, i know, i know, i'm amazing.

I sat on the balcony of the tree house and looked at the setting sun. It was so beautiful, it's coloring the clouds with different hues, making the sky look like a rainbow.

I just watched the sun set for some time, but when the night came, i started to meditate, taking the needed magus from the moon. This is one of the things that Mother Tara taught me, the moon is a friend, it will give you the magus you need, and if you absorb enough magus, you can be on the state of fullness, like the full moon, it will be your strongest state as a moon descendant.

I can feel the magus coming into my body, my skin begins to itch, not something i can't tolerate, but it's there. There is a ringing in my ears and my head pulsing, and when i opened my eyes, i can feel all of my senses on it's fullest potential. I can hear the sounds of the trees, the wind, even the sounds of people's chatters, and even the smallest sound of a door closing from somewhere as if it was right next to me. I can smell the grass, the animals, and even the perfume of that young lady who's walking with a man. Every senses are working fully, making me lose my concentration and wake up from the trance, that's the senses overload mother said.

I lied down on my back and stared at the ceiling. The usage of all that magus and mana exhausted me, making me breath heavily. This is the one i'm waiting to experience and know, my limit. I need to know my limit in order to go beyond it.

"I'll just sleep for now," i said to myself and closed my eyes. Not long after, sleep came to me.


"What do you mean she's not in her room?!" Douglas, wearing an angry expression shouted at a bowing man wearing an all black outfit, the assassin he sent to the bastard's room.

"When we got there, she's already gone, we tried to look for her, but we can't be obvious, or everyone will discover us." The assassin answered him still on his knees.

"That's your excuse?! You can't even kill a small child, and now you're making excuses?!" He kicked the guy in front of him, making him fall.

He took a vase nearby and threw it somewhere. "All the assassins i sent there are nowhere to be found, and that little bastard is still roaming around! You are all so useless, you can't even kill a low life like that!" He exclaimed, pointing towards the guy who once again, kneeled.

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