35. Airplanes

144 20 13

Silver's point of view

The day of princess Sapphire's birthday celebration came, and i was busy right now, preparing for it.

My outfit for today was especially prepared by Mother Duchess, she was more excited than i am. I don't have any sense for fashion anyway so i just let mother prepare it for me.

The gift i made for the birthday girl is already done and wrapped up, all i can say is that i did a pretty good job. I'm sure she will like it.

"Sister, are you heading to the palace now?" Monica asked me walking towards my way.

Mother, Monica, and i are the only ones invited to the princess's banquet. The two boys are not interested, and the other kids, are not qualified to attend a royal banquet. Though, i am also unqualified, myself, i was made an exception, because the princess invited me, herself.

I was just about to get into my carriage when she arrived. She was dressed in a light blue gown, with pearls adoring her hair, today, she looks very cute too.

"Yes i am, do you want to ride with me?" I offered her my hand, wanting to help her get on.

"Sure, i want to ride your carriage more, it's more comfortable and relaxing than mine." She took my hand and we both got into the carriage.

My carriage is indeed more comfortable than most carriages. This one is modified by me, i put every knowledge i know in order to make this comfortable, and with the help of magus, it was made easier.

"What sort of gift did you prepare for Her Highness, sister?" Monica asked, breaking the silence inside the carriage.

"It's something... interesting." I answered her, trying to keep it a secret.

"Hmm, is it a dress?" She asked while her index finger is on her chin.

"No," i answered with a small smile.

"A jewelry?" She guessed again.

"No," i looked at the window and smiled to myself.

"This girl is really curious about it," i was thinking to myself, while Monica continued guessing, while my answer is always a no.

"Is it a land deed?" She guessed once again.

Our whole ride consisted of her asking me about my gift and me answering her, we didn't even notice that we already arrived at Princess Sapphire's birthday venue.

The place is decorated with flowers and expensive designs. Everywhere you look, there are lots of children dressed in fancy clothes.

Monica and i, stepped out of the carriage, and everyone's eyes are on us. Once they saw the carriage of the Cross duchy, they suddenly got interested. Not caring about the stares, we proceeded to enter the huge hall. If the decorations on the outside is already splendid enough, the decorations in here are far more glamorous. There are bunch of tables situated on the corners, circling what looks like the dance floor. The musicians are continuously playing classical music, making everyone's aura cheerful, myself included. There are adults around but the children are more in numbers, probably because this is a children's party.

Though it is a children's party, the number of high ranking nobles is not lacking at all. There are a bunch of earls and marquess, and i even saw a duke. Studying politics for a year, i can now confidently say that i know every important names and people in this empire.

"Sister, everyone is there," Monica tugged on my hand and pulled me towards a group of children standing in a corner. Looking at them, i think i recognize some.

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