7. Hide

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Tara's point of view

For years now, i've done everything i can to protect my seedling.

Before, i lived my life going with the flow. I lived my life just wandering around.

But i have a responsibility now, i have someone to care about. Now, i can't go with the flow, as a single mishap could lead to her death.

If i were alone, i could have defeated everyone in my way without breaking a sweat. If i were alone, i would have been somewhere far away from this place. If i were alone, i would just wander around without a destination. If only i were alone, everything would be easier for me.

But, never in a million years would i exchange the happiness that i feel right now for that easy.

Being with my daughter brought me the most happiness. Being with her gives me strength to go on with my days. Being with her made everything easier to handle.

So if i were alone, i could defeat anyone in my way, but i don't have any reason to. If i were alone, i would have been somewhere far from this place, but i'll never have someone to call my home. Because i'm not alone, even wandering around a backyard became an adventure. And because i'm not alone, everything is harder, but everything is worth it.

When she was two months old, she almost lost her life because of my weakness.

We already lost her mother to that man, i can't lose her too. I faked her death so i can bring her away from that place, far away from that monster.

The years i had with her are my happiest years, after i got separated with Deborah.

My sweet Seedling, my sweet, sweet Silver. She's my happiness now, my baby, my beloved daughter.

She became the reason why i wake up with a smile. Everyday became the best day.

Silver is a very smart kid, she always know what to do in every situation. Because of her, everything i lacked is fulfilled, especially with the things that needed thinking. I am well aware that i'm not that smart, just smart enough to know how to survive.

Because of that fact, i'm sure Silver didn't get her wits from me, i'm sure it's from her mother. She's so smart that even i, an adult, can't help but to be amazed. I'm not saying this because i'm her mother, but because it's the truth.

When she turned two years old, Deborah found my whereabouts. I know that in no time, she will be able to find me, but not this soon.

She sent me a letter saying that she wants us to meet, but we can't, i can't. I can't risk her knowing about Silver, or else her husband will surely find out too.

I wanted to see her, i badly miss her. But i can't, because i need to protect our love, and that love is our daughter.

So even if i want to see her so bad, i swallowed my urges. I need to bury this desire deep within my heart, i need to bear with it.

I never wanted to hide anything about Deborah from our daughter, so i told her everything that happened. I just hope that she will never hate her other mother, because i know how much Deborah loves our child.

But i forgot that she's a very smart kid, that she will understand everything if i explain it to her well.

She said that she wants to become strong, and i want her to be too. I thought that my daughter would become a girl who would love girly things like dresses and jewels.

I'm willing to give her everything that she wants, if she wants to have all dresses in the world, i will give it to her. If she wants all the gems in the world i will dig the entire world just to give it to her. If she wants to destroy the world, i would gladly do it, without missing a beat.

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