15. Charm

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Silver's point of view

I was walking along a road to a music shop, when a carriage suddenly moved past me. I was surprised of it that i almost fell on my butt, it was inches away from me, just a little push and i'll be ran over by it.

"Nobles really think that they own the world huh?" I shook my head with that thought, and went inside the shop.

After looking for some musical instrument to buy, i decided to buy a flute. Unlike my old world, the variety of instruments in this world is limited given that we are in an ancient period of time. There are pianos, violins, guitars, ukelele, and some more i'm too lazy to say.

Walking out of the shop, the same carriage that almost put me in my second death is parked a few shops away from where i am. But something is happening right now, a hooded man knocked out the coachman and so are the guards of that carriage, he looked around to check if the coast is clear, so i hid behind a pillar of the shop.

When i looked back, the coachman is now gone and somebody else is on the coachman's seat.

"What the! What are these people planning to do?" I mumbled to myself still hiding half of my body behind the pillar, only my head is out, looking at the carriage.

After some time, a bunch of boxes is put inside the carriage by the shop's staffs. A girl, probably my age came out of the shop and got on the said carriage.

"So, a kidnapping huh?" I thought as the carriage moved away.

"What should i do? Should i help? Right, if mother was here, she would help without a second thought." I hesitated for a second, but i decided to help.

The carriage is driving along a quiet road as i was following it by hiding on the trees, i can see it from up here. The carriage is moving for a few minutes now, when it suddenly swayed. The girl probably realized that she's been kidnapped.

I wore the robes mother prepared for me and a mask too from my own storage ring. The man might recognize me and decide to get back at me, or worse, there's an organization behind him.

The carriage stopped deep inside the forest and the man pulled the girl out, she tried to struggle, but she's a lot smaller than the man, so it has no effect at all.

After contemplating for a moment i decided to go down and help.

The man even tried to scare me away by threatening the life of my parents, as if he really can kill them. One is a very powerful duchess, while one is a very powerful ex knight, if he knows even one of them, he'll surely fall to his knees in fright.

He's probably insulted as he pushed the small a girl away and charge at me.

"What's the problem with this guy? Pushing a weak girl down, forcefully!" I can only say that inside as the man is already in front of me.

For a split second, my eyes turned gold, the color of my mana. The man is now on the ground, unconscious, as the mana in me died down, making my eyes go back to its original silver hue.

I immediately walked towards the girl and asked if she's alright. She only looked up at me as tears are falling down her cheeks.

For a moment, i saw my sister, Wendy in her.

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