4. Star

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Fredriech, Imperial year 23
Crown City, Capital

               Tara's point of view

I was a commoner with nothing in my name, a daughter of a carpenter and a seamstress. The middle child in three siblings. I always lived my day just helping my father and mother with work, until i met a wandering knight.

I saw how she defeated the bandits who tried to rob me and my friends the game that we hunted. The bandits suffered lots of wounds and bruises while she herself is not even scratched.

That day, i knew what i wanted to be, i knew who i want to be.

I wanted to be a knight too, so i asked the wandering knight to teach me how to wield a sword.

But she has always ignored me saying that she doesn't want any responsibilities with me, but i persisted, everyday i go to her  house in the middle of the forest just to ask her to teach me.

But none of it really moved the knight.

Realizing that she would not teach me anything, i decided to just watch her everyday and learn the things that i need to learn on my own.

The knight seems to take notice of me doing that. So, annoyingly, she said that she will teach me just so i will leave her alone.

Years passed in the blink of an eye and i've learned everything she can teach me.

"Now, child, i already taught you everything that i know. It's time for you to learn on your own, travel the world, and meet new people." The wandering knight said looking at the landscapes in front of her.

"What do you mean master? I still need to learn a lot from you." I argued.

"Here, take it. it's yours now, i'll give that to you as a parting gift. That dagger is given to me by my master, if in the future you become a master too, passed that on to someone deserving." She said as i catched the dagger she threw at me.

"But master isn't this your most beloved dagger? Why are you giving it to me? What do you mean it's a parting gift?"

"I need to leave now, i've stayed here for too long, longer than i anticipated, just so i could teach you." Master said.

"Master! Don't go! I'll go with you! Don't leave me here master, you're the only one i have now, are you going to leave me too?" I stared at her as tears are running down my cheeks.

My parents already left me in this world alone, they are killed by some monsters. While my older siblings are nowhere to be found. That is my greatest reason why i want to be a knight, so that, no child would ever cry because they are powerless and lose their parents to the monsters roaming in this world, either a person or a real beast.

"I'm sorry but i can't, you should learn how to live on your own now. You should only depend on yourself from now on. Have your own adventure, learn some more. That way, you can become the best person you could ever be. This is not an ending, but rather, a new beginning. We will see each other again, i'm sure of that. As long as we are under the same sky, we will meet again." Master said looking straight at me, with certainty, as if what she's saying will really happen, and because she said it will, i know it will.

"Yes, master,"

That night, i cried my eyes out to sleep, and when i woke up, master is gone.

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