13. Gulp

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Silver's point of view

"Silver, is this correct?" Lori showed me her writings on the ground.

We are practicing her writing right now on our front yard, the yard that is supposed to be the shop, now became an empty space. Mother said it's good to have a space where i can play with my friends, she said it with the biggest grin she has. She knows that i don't like playing too much.

"Hm, that is correct, you only need to practice some more to improve the calligraphy, but right now you're already much better than before." I told her as i looked at the ground where she was practicing her writing using a stick.

We can't use paper for practicing writing, it may be an easy to acquire item in my last world, but in here, it's precious and quite costly.

"Lori, let's go home, Mom is looking for you." One of Lori's brothers called for her.

Lori stood up from squatting on the ground and ran towards her brother. Before she get out of our wooden fence, she looked back at me, "Bye Silver, see you!" She waved her little hand and ran to her brother who already walked off.

Because i have no where to go, i just went to the shop where mother is. She's currently cutting some woods right now.

"Hi Shade," i gently pat the horse's stomach and proceeded to go to mother.

"My seedling, what's the matter? Do you need something? Do you want some pocket money?" Mother asked me, she only glanced my way and continued her work.

"No mother, i just came here because Lori already left." I sat down on a bench near mother.

"Oh, your little girlfriend is gone, so you came back to this pitiful mother of yours." Mother smirked at me while sawing a piece of wood.

I only rolled my eyes at her, making mother laugh.

We were talking about random things when someone knocked. "Come in," mother shouted.

And in came a woman wearing a colorful dress, she looks like a peacock in heat. The woman has two men behind her holding what looks like presents.

"Hi Sylvia, oh, you're here too, Silver dear," the woman greeted seductively, at least she tried, she even have the audacity to pinch my cheek.

"Lady Morty, what can we help you with?" I forced a smile and asked this hateful woman while taking a step back.

"Oh, i'm here for your mother, Silver dear. I have a work for her. By the way, these are gifts for the both of you, i personally chose these presents for you." She motioned the man to give me all the presents, the piled up gifts on my arms blocking my view.

I can't just put all this down as the shop's ground is dirty, and the bench i'm sitting on earlier is now occupied with the other presents. I'll just carry the others, it's not that heavy anyway, besides, i'm currently circulating mana right now.

"What work is it, Lady Morty? Is it the window in your room again." Mother asked.

"Yes, can you help me with it?" I can only hear everything but i'm sure the lady said those with the hint of seduction.

Truthfully speaking, Lady Morty is a pretty woman, it's just that she's haughty and only treats me nice when mother is around. She's a widowed viscountess, and she's showing signs of liking my mother since day one.

"This is the fourth time that your window broke down, why don't you change it to a new one then?" I heard mother said, disregarding the hidden meaning behind the woman's words.

"No-" before the woman could continue her words someone barged in the shop.

For a reason i don't know, Lady Morty and mother both gasped. I can only hear everything because i can't see.

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