2. Tara

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As the consciousness floats in the middle of nowhere, a sudden flash of light lit up everything, making the dark space bright.

"[How are you doing?]"

An indistinguishable voice came from somewhere, breaking the deafening silence in the now white space.

"What? Who are you? Where are you? Show yourself." The consciousness thought as it hears, or more like felt the voice.

The consciousness cannot determine what is happening as it cannot comprehend anything beyond a consciousness can.

"[We are something you cannot fathom, something you will never know, something you will never understand. We are the Existence.]"

The voice answered making the consciousness, if it can tremble, tremble.

"Okay... so what can i do for you, uhm... Existence?" The floating consciousness inquired as it is confused.

"[We are here to offer you a gift, a gift of a new life.]"

"New life? What do you mean? Why me?" The consciousness, still cannot grasp the situation.

"[You were an existence We cannot place, you were never a saint to be accepted *Above,* you were not an evil to be accepted *Below* either. The *Mid* cannot accept you too as you were an unfortunate and yet fortunate existence too. That's why We decided to give the gift of life to you.]" Existence explains.

"That's confusing... so what, am i going to live again?"

"[Yes, as this is a compensation and a breaker, however you will live your new life will decide where you belong]"

"Okay... i think i get it now, am i going to live my life again or I'll be a different person?"

"[You will become a different person and will live a completely different life.]"

"Oh, interesting, okay when am i going to live? Right now? Alright I'm ready." The consciousness said while closing it's non existent eyes.

"[Alright. Also, keep in mind that you need to be careful in your new world.]"

"Wait! What do you mean new worl-"

Before the consciousness could finish it's sentence, a blinding light engulfed it, as it disappears from the nothingness.


Deos, Imperial year 5,
Crown Empire.

In the middle of a forest, a person in a black robe is riding a beautiful black steed galloping along the quietness of the night.

The person is glancing at it's back as it rides their horses without losing control, this goes to show how amazing of a rider this person is.

At a closer look, this person is protectively holding a luxurious cloth, wrapped around something.

As the horse increases its speed, a small part of the cloth is blown away by the wind revealing a small hand.

Just before the sun shines, the horse stopped dead on its tracks. The person came down from the horse's back, as the hood of their robe came off revealing a shiny, long black hair.

The woman went inside a ruined cabin still holding the sleeping child in her arms.

"My baby, this will be our home from now on. I'm sorry that i can't give you a complete family, but i promise to give you everything you'll ever need." The woman kissed the forehead of the now awake child.


Meanwhile, inside the mind of the child in the woman's arms.

"So this is what that Existence is talking about. But why is this woman riding a horse? Why is she wearing that? And why did we run away. Is this the new world they're talking about?"

"I can't move a muscle, it's cold, im tired, I'll just go to sleep for a bit."

Stirring awake because of the noise coming from somewhere, i opened my eyes.

"Oh my, my baby is awake. Wait for mama okay, I'm just fixing our house, and then i'll play with you after." The black haired woman cooed at me as she was carrying a pile of logs, flexing her arm muscles.

"Oh wow! This woman is ripped. Is she a body builder? But wait, i'm pretty sure she's talking in a language i don't know, how the heck do i even understand her?" I can only ask that in my head as i can't talk yet because of the fact that i'm still a baby.

I know it will be a long way before i get to walk or even crawl so for now i'll just observe whatever i can and assess the situation.

For now, all i know is that, right now, i am a baby, and i can't do anything. We also escaped from something i don't know what, and this ripped woman is my mother, she's also speaking a language i have no idea about, but somehow i can understand her. I know, it's too little but what can i do, i'm still too little and too weak to do anything.

As i was still thinking about my circumstances, the woman, i mean my mother carried me and brought me outside, probably for the sunlight.

"Aww, my baby is too cute. What should i name you? You don't have a name yet." My mother talked to me as she was lightly poking my cheek.

"Stop that woman! My cheek is not a doorbell for you to press" But of course, i can only complain in my heart. I can't do anything about it anyway, so i'll just let her be for now. "Just you wait woman, once i am old enough, i'll poke your eyes out as my revenge."

"Hmm... you got very pretty eyes. How about Silver huh? Oh! That's a nice name. From now on, you will be Silver. Hello Silver, my name is Tara, I'm your mama." My mother said as she held me tight.

"So that's my name now huh? It's a pretty nice name. Hello to you too, Tara, or should i say mother?"

Calling someone mother is very foreign for me. But as she is going to be with me for the rest of my life, might as well get used to it now.

I held her cheek as it is the only thing i can do for now, it's not like i could give her a handshake.

She was telling me a story about her being a very talented knight. She was an adventurer before she was knighted.

She told me that being an adventurer is a very dangerous job, and warned me about the dangers of the world, as if a baby can understand her. I mean, i can because i'm not an ordinary baby, but still.

As she was telling me about her adventures, i came to a conclusion that i am now living in a historical period of time.

But what i can't understand is her telling me about her, strengthening her body so she can manifest the thing called Mana. She said that it's her source of strength, that with her years of relentless training, she was able to manifest it and became the best adventurer and knight in the empire.

So now i know, that this isn't an ordinary world, that this world is fantastical, for me at least.

Now that i have an idea on what kind of world I'm in right now, i can start to understand and prepare for what is about to come once i grow up.

I just hope that i will live happily, because i don't want to waste this second chance i was given.

Of course i will never forget my life before, especially my sister, but right now, i have to live, i want to live.

As the woman is still talking to me, the topic now is about us moving in a town far from the capital. She faced me towards the house where we came from, showing it to me.

"See that baby Silver? That's our house, that's where you'll grow up to be a decent person, i'll make sure of it. I love you, daughter." She said, while lovingly smiling at me.

Mother put her forehead on mine as i felt a drop of liquid on my right cheek.

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