20. See you soon

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Silver's point of view

It's been a week since my transition and i'm still with my mother Tara. I still can't move into Mother Duchess' mansion because she still needs to do some preparation for my arrival, i don't know what preparations but she said, they're quite important.

Mother Tara and i are walking to the guilds area, we have a mission. If i become registered as a Cross, it would hard for me to move around, so Mother and i will give me another identity.

The best way to go is through the adventurers guild, we will register me as an adventurer so i can move around whenever i need to. Registering to a guild is a good thing if i want to gain experience too, Mother said that i don't need to move to the higher ranks if i only want to gain experience. If we'd be lucky enough, we'll meet outside and create a party for both of us.

"Here we are," Mother said motioning to the highest building in the area, it looks a little like a Chinese pagoda.

I didn't notice that we are already here because i was occupied with my thoughts. Mother put her hands on my back pushing me for a bit, she can't easily put her hand on my head now, because i'm a lot taller than before, i'm quite happy about that.

As we went inside, we immediately go to the counter inside, there's a woman looking at some papers in there. "Excuse me," mother got her attention.

The woman looked at us and smiled, "what can i do for you?" She sweetly asked.

"We are here to register my daughter as an adventurer." Mother answered her, i think they are familiar with each other.

"I see, is she ten years old now? Does she have any illness of some sort? Is she physically capable of protecting herself?" The woman asked questions consecutively.

"She's ten now, she's healthy, and she knows how to fight." Mother answered her questions all at once.

"I see, if you brought her here, i'm sure she'll be fine. Here, write your name here, and then wait for a bit." She gave me a piece of paper, a fill up form.

After answering everything in that paper, i gave it back to the lady. She told me to put my hands on a magus ball, after a couple of seconds she gave me a small card. That is my adventurer identification card.

In the adventurers guild, you can use an alias, Mother said it would be best if i use one, so after brainstorming for a code name, i decided to use "Alpha" as my alias. We finished our business in the adventurers guild so we now went to the merchant guild, mother said that being a merchant is a good back up plan. We know some merchants so this would be easier than normal registration. The people mother saved before from the huge bear type monster, we are going to ask for their help.

After we finished our agenda for today, Mother and i decided to eat out for dinner.

"You need to be careful in that mansion, my seedling. No matter how good someone treats you there, you need to bear in mind that the only person you can trust is your mother Deborah. She will protect you, but you need to protect her too you hear me? You will be my eyes and ears there, be safe alright?" Mother said seriously, i know that she's worried about me wether she  shows it or not.

"Yes, Mother," i answered her as we fell silent.

"Mother, when Mother Duchess was away, has it ever crossed your mind to look for someone else?" I added, It's a question i've been wanting to ask for a long time now.

Mother who's chewing on her food, suddenly choked because of my question. She frantically look around the area looking scared as hell.

"Shhh, don't you ever ask that again okay? Your mother's guards might hear you, and she'll kill me. Trust me, just the thought of forgetting her never crossed my mind. You see my daughter, the moon will never leave their star, and your mother and you, are my stars, my most beloved stars." Mother seriously said, she really looks scared.

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