32. Dog

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Silver's point of view

"I heard that the kite is really popular these days," Mother Duchess said as she sip on her cup of tea.

Right now we are having tea in Mother's room, she invited me over to talk about the construction of the magus train, so i don't know why the topic changed to the kite.

It's true though, the kite became popular these days, especially to noble children, they even made shops where you can buy kites, and it was selling pretty well. Well that's expected, the entertainment in this place is rather lacking, so a new toy like that would surely be popular.

"Yes Mother, they seem to like it quite a lot." I said, sipping on my cup. This time, my cup is bigger, i really hate the bitter taste of teas in this place, so i try to make it more bearable by putting some milk and some sugar, a little bit of ice too, and it's ready to go, milk tea. How i miss modern foods and snacks.

"Hmmm..." Mother only hummed as a reply.

I don't know what to say anymore so i just stayed quiet. Whenever Mother Duchess and i are together, there are times when we just randomly stop talking in the middle of the conversation because we don't know what to say anymore. Mother doesn't like talking about nonsense stuff, and so do i, so we stay silent, not the awkward type of silence, on the contrary, it's rather comfortable.

"When do you think the magus train will be done in construction, Mother?" I asked her because i've been curious about it.

"It's been a little hard to convince the other lords to have a railroad in their territory, but when i explained the benefits and profits they can have, they immediately complied. People who has greed in their hearts are the ones who are easiest to control, so never be like them, if you're going to become greedy, you'll be easy to manipulate." Mother warned me.

I know about those things already, i wouldn't have been one of the bests, if i don't know something as basic as that. But to be polite, i just agreed with Mother, besides, you can never stop learning, a great leader like her has lots of wisdom and knowledge i can learn from.

"The construction will start in three months and may be done in a year, that's the deadline i gave to the workers that are assigned for it." Mother continues.

"Mother, how about making it a passenger train also? You know, you can just put the products at the back of the train and use the front train cars for passengers to ride on." I suggested, the ones they are trying to make are only for transporting products.

Mother's advisors suggested that they should only make it a delivery train for products alone. If i know, they only said that to hinder the possible riches it will give Mother if it's used as a passenger train. Those greedy bastards, sabotaging a great project of Mother so they can have it for themselves.

"I already voiced out those suggestions, but they immediately turned it down, saying that it is not the reason for the construction of the train. But because of their greedy hearts, they denied my suggestions." As expected of Mother, she already thought of it too.

"But Mother, this is a great opportunity. If the train can transport products in a day, can you imagine how fast travelling would be? You won't need to ride a carriage for days just to go somewhere that the train can go in hours." I reasoned out.

"I know, don't worry, i'll introduce that proposal to my subordinates once again. I'll make sure that this time, they have no choice but to comply. Those imbeciles are trying to trick me, but I'm not a fool like them all. I'm just letting them go for the time being, because the most important thing right now is the approval of the lords who owns the land where the rails for the train are going to be constructed." Mother smiled at me with her beautiful smile, but i think i'm seeing flames blazing in her background.

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