5. Strong

383 27 1

Silver's point of view

"That's how i met your mother." Mother looked away, reminiscing.

"Ichi really that beautiful mother?" I asked mother, slightly embarrassed because i accidentally stumbled on my words.

Physically, i'm still a child, so sometimes i spit out unrecognizable words and do childish things subconsciously.

"Hahahaha! My seedling is really cute." Mother teased me and ruffled my already disheveled hair.

I just ignored her teasing and continued asking like nothing happened.

"So. Is. She?" Emphasizing every words to not make the same mistake again.

Mother still looked amuse and smirked at me.

"Yes, she is... She's so beautiful, that the word beautiful isn't enough to describe her." Mother answered dreamily.

"With just your words, i am certain that you are completely smitten." Now it's my turn to tease.

"Of course not! She's the one who's head over heels for me." She denied.

"Okay, if you say so," i shrugged my shoulders.

"It's true!" She said defensively.

"Alright, alright, i believe you." Me, biting my lower lip, suppressing a smile.

"But, where is she mother? Why is she not here with us? Why did she give you a letter?"

"She was looking for me, saying that she's sorry. She wants us to meet." Mother sighed.

"So, are we going to meet her?"

"We can't, i can't let you get close to her. Her husband might find out that you're alive. She can't know that you are alive." Mother answered as she looked at me while shaking her head.

"She doesn't know of my existence?" i asked her confuse. How is that even possible?

Mother shook her head no.

"Six years ago, your mother and i decided that we want to have a fruit of our love. As we were both women, it will be hard, it's possible yes, but it's hard. We wanted to have a family of our own, so i travelled the world, looking for the tree of life, there are only three known trees of life at that time, and they are monopolized by the nobles for profit." Mother paused her words and sat beside me.

"For three years, i've travelled the world looking for another tree to surprise your mother. Nobody should ever know about this or else your mother will be shunned upon by everyone, and i wouldn't like that. For the first year we never lost our communication, but the next two years are hard. I never received any reply from her, i was always waiting, but i never received anything. Eventually, i found the tree, got the seed and went back home." Mother looked away as a single tear fell out from her left eye.

"But," she continued. "When i get the chance to see her again, she's already married and has a son. She's even pregnant with her second child. My whole world fell apart, i was so devastated. I wanted to blame her, but i can't. We did everything just so we can secretly meet." Mother sighed and looked down.

"She told me everything. She said that she only loves me, that her father just forced her to marry a man she never knew. She was forced by that dog. I wanted to kill him right then and there, when i learned the truth. She said that every letter that i gave, was destroyed by her husband. She's still a weak woman with no power at that time, she can't do anything, but to endure." Mother gritted her teeth and clenched her fist.

"We know that what we are doing is improper, but we can't help ourselves. We love each other so much that we decided to run away from everyone and everything, after she gave birth. We've been happy for two years, we were the happiest. We decided to imbue our Magus into the seed, and that's when you're born. She loved you so much, we love you so much, she didn't even get the chance to name you. But after her husband discovered us, he took her away and he tried to kill you, that's why i did everything to save you. They thought you're dead because they saw me holding a bloody cloth, but that's just a facade. That's when i escaped with you, and here we are." Mother said as she motioned to our surroundings. She looks calm on the surface, i would have believed that she's feeling fine if only i didn't see a single tear falling from her left eye.

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