21. Arrived

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Silver's point of view

The day of my departure came, and i don't like it. Mother looked really sad, i don't want to leave her like that, but i can't do anything about it. They both think that i'm only a child, that i should listen to them, that they know what's best for me. I don't want to go, but i need to... for myself and for the people i cherish.

The carriage i am riding right now is getting farther and farther from mother, but she's still there, staring at the carriage I'm in, with a sad look on her eyes.

I know that after this, a lot of things will change, our lives will change.

I will miss her, so much. I will also miss Lori and the others, i'm sure they'll be grown ups already by the time we met, not cute anymore. I smiled at that thought, but it quickly went away when i noticed that i can't see mother anymore.

I sighed to myself and sat on my seat properly, this carriage is great and all, it was way comfortable and bigger than ordinary carriages, but it feels stuffy.

"We're almost there, Miss," after a couple of hours, someone said that, waking me up from my trance.

Being called Miss, is uncomfortable, i feel like an old lady. In my past life, nobody calls me Miss, they call me ma'am or boss, and i liked it better.

"You can just call me Silver, i'd like that more." I said to the man.

"I'm sorry Miss, but I'm afraid i can not." He politely declined. I only sighed to myself and leave him be.

We rode some more, until i can see a big mansion in the distance. We're still a little far from it but i can see it from where we are, it is surrounded by a large land of flowers. Mother Tara was right, Mother Duchess loves flowers.

"Is this the place?" I asked the man i was talking to earlier.

"Yes Miss, but this is just the main mansion, there are still a lot of mansions inside the grand duchess' domain." The man answered me as the gate is being opened, showing the beautiful flowers, lined up to decorate the place.

It took a long time before we get to the front mansion, the entrance is so huge, i even saw some carriages going in and out of it.

"Nobles really love luxury." I thought to myself, seeing this huge place.

I'm a wealthy person myself, in my last life, so i've been into a lot of luxurious places, but not like this, this one is exaggeratedly luxurious, i don't know if i make sense, but that's it.

The carriage came to a halt, and the door opened from the outside, revealing the man i've been talking to. I got off from it and looked around. There are a bunch of people bowing down, they're probably the staffs and custodians.

Mother Duchess was also there smiling lightly, so i smiled back.

"Welcome home, Miss." The bowing people suddenly greeted me, making me surprised. Being addressed as miss made me frown.

Mother walked towards me and pulled me in for a hug. "Welcome home, daughter," she said.

"Thank you, Mother," i greeted back as i smiled at her.

Mother held my back and motioned for me to face the people.

"I would like you all to meet my daughter, Silver. From now on, you will respect her how you respect me, and give her everything she needs and wants." Mother announced.

"Yes, your grace," everyone shouted.

Mother then pulled me inside the massive mansion. A man in a butler uniform came in front of us and bowed to us.

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