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Two years later

Silver's point of view

It's been two years since i met my other mother, it's also been two years since my hard training, became even harder. Mother has been very strict with my training since last year, and this year was an even stricter training.

Mother said that since my ten year old birthday is almost up, i need to condition myself in order to have a smooth transition.

I don't know what's going to happen from then on, but i know that mother will be fine. She said that i don't need to think of her because she's not weak, besides, she's pretty sure that i'll look for a way for us to still have a communication. She's right, i'll never let status and distance to take the first person who loved and cared for me in this world, ever.

Right now, i'm outside our house sitting under the shade of a tree. I was sipping a cup of coffee while reading a book in my hand, i know i'm still too young for coffee, but i can't help it. This is the peace that i miss, a peace that i wouldn't want to be disturbed.

I am reading a book that mother Duchess gave me. For two years, our bond became closer as she is always visiting mother and i whenever she has the time. When she learned that i am fond of reading, she always order someone to deliver a variety of books for me. From academic books, books about mana and magus, about monsters, about politics, to even novels. All of them i happily read and enjoyed.

I learned a lot from those books, especially the ones about magus and politics, it's quite interesting. I also learned a lot about this world, the topography and structure. It was actually a little similar from my last life, the only difference is that, it's still widely ruled by monarchs. Obviously the names are different, but there are cultures and beliefs that are the same from my past world.

"What are you reading, Silver?" Someone asked from my left, taking my attention away from my book.

"It's a book about wars, how a great general led her army to victory." I patiently answered, and turned my eyes back to my book.

"It looks complicated, why do you always like to read hard topics? Come on, let's just play." This one came from another voice.

I closed my book using my left hand and looked at the culprits who disturbed my beloved peace.

"I just like them, does a reason for liking something, really necessary?" I seriously asked them with my poker face on.

"Don't mind them Silver, you can like whatever you like," someone from the back came into view and sat beside me.

She linked her arms on mine and leaned her head on my left shoulder. She always does this so i'm used to it now, i just let her do what she wants.

"It doesn't matter what you like, i will always like you." She added.

For two years that we've been friends, she became clingier and clingier as time goes by, but it's fine because she's a nice kid. I never thought that someone would stick with me because of my personality, but i guess a persistent person can do anything.

"I am going to the alley, does anyone want to come with me? We can go to the foods stalls too, my treat." When i asked them the question all looked at me bored, but when i said it's my treat they all smiled at me and chanted yes. They're so cute, i can't help but to smile.

"Let's go."

We were now on the art alley, all the children i am with, have treats in their hands, i feel like a big sister treating her siblings to the mall.

"Silver, where are you bringing us now?" Vic, one of the children asked.

There are six children with me right now. Lori, who is still clinging with me while biting on her treat. Vic, a blue haired boy, Anne and Roy, who are twins, Norman who is on the chubbier side, and last but not the least is Bea, who is also clinging on my other arm.

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