27. Respect

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Silver's point of view

"How about this one Silver, does it look good on me?" Lady Victoria walked out of the dressing room and showed me her chosen light purple dress.

"Hmm, it looks good on you, i think it will suit the earrings you wore the last time we met." I sincerely complimented her.

"How about me sister, do i look good in white?" Monica then got out of the other dressing room and asked for my opinion.

"You do, you look like an angel in white," i complimented while patting her head.

Lady Victoria, Monica and i, went on an outing today. We've been shopping for hours now, and these girls are still not planning to stop. I'm not really a fan of shopping, even in my last life. I wanted to get out of this place already, as most of the young ladies in the shop are looking our way, probably because the two girls i am with are from the most powerful families in the empire.

"How about we eat now? It's almost lunch time." I looked at the pocket watch that Lady Victoria gifted me, sneakily trying to convince them to go.

"Alright," Only Monica replied.

I looked up at them and saw that Monica is already walking back to the dressing room. Lady Victoria on the other hand, is looking at me with a smile, i don't know if i'm only seeing things, but her cheeks are tinted pink for a second before she turned and walked back to the dressing room.

"What's with kids and blushing, don't tell me she has a crush on me," i was chuckling at my own thoughts, but suddenly got serious, when i realized that it was possible. "Oh shit, that's not good at all, if it's true." I cringed at that thought. I know that my physical body is of a child, but mentally, i'm a 28 year old, fully grown adult. I just shook my head to try and get rid of those thoughts.

The two walked out of their dressing rooms wearing new clothes. They both cling to my arms and pulled me out of the shop.

"Let's go sister, i want to eat parfait, in the newly opened shop. They said that it's good." Monica said.

"Alright, let's bring some for everyone too, i'm sure they'll like it." I said, smiling at her. I want to pinch her cheeks if only i wasn't restrained by them.

"How about you Lady Victoria, what would you like to eat?" I turned to her on my left, while smiling.

Her cheeks turned pink once again, as she looked at the other direction, away from me. "Anything will do," she said in a bashful manner.

"Alright, parfait it is." And off we go.

We were walking to the parfait shop when i saw a bunch of kids wearing tattered clothes, the kids are running around the area, playing tag. I kinda miss Lori and others because of them, so i smiled unknowingly.

One of the children that's running while looking back suddenly bumped onto me. The girl almost fell but i held her arm to stop her from falling, if i didn't catch her on time, she would definitely crack her skull, because the fall would've been bad. Good thing that the girls with me already released me from their captive, it took a lot of time to convince them though.

The guards that are with us suddenly walked towards us trying to get the girl away from me, but i raised my palm, making them stop from their tracks.

"It's alright," i said while helping the girl to stand properly.

The girl looked at us, her eyes turned wide, she kneeled at us and pleaded. "I'm sorry, i didn't mean it, please don't kill me!" She exclaimed now with tears running down her cheeks. I took half a step back because of it. This is the first time someone knelt in front of me.

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