11. Read

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Silver's point of view

We've been living in the capital for a month now, all i can say is our life is pretty busy now. Of course we never forget to train every night before going to sleep.

But mother is always busy now with the shop, and so am i, but sometimes, our neighbour's kids are coming to our house to ask me to play, which mother always agree on without my permission.

They are good kids, but i'm not really into playing, what i want to do is to read. I miss reading, i miss relaxing with a cup of coffee while reading a book under the shade of a tree. Mother said that ten years old is the age where commoners begin to study, she told me that she only taught me how to read and write because i insisted and she saw potential in me, which i greatly appreciate.

"Why don't we go somewhere different? I don't want to play on the fields anymore, it's too dusty and all we do is run around." I complained to Lori while we are making our way outside our house.

Today is a day where she forced me to go out and play with them. I like Lori, she's a nice kid, i can't see any malice from her eyes whenever we talk, probably because she's still a child, that she's still innocent from the dirt of the world.

"Where should we go then? There's nothing much we can do." She said as she linked her arms to mine again, i noticed that she's a clingy kid, but i don't mind, i'm not that evil to push away a child.

"Is there somewhere we can buy books?" There's only the two of us today because all her other friends are absent.

Lori seems surprised with my words because her eyes went wide and stopped mid step.

"Silver, you know how to read? Aren't we just the same age?" She asked, still not moving from her spot making me stop too and look at her.

"Yes, i know how to read, and yes, we are of same age." I answered her a little amused, this kid can be cute too sometimes.

"But how? When did you learn?  Aren't we supposed to study only when we reach ten? Mama said that studying is hard and takes a lot of time. How did you learn?" She asked as she continued walking, making me walk too as she's still linking arms with me.

"Hmmm, mother taught me how to read when i was three years old. Studying is hard yes, but everything is hard at first, unless you really want to do it."

"Wow! You're so smart Silver! I want to learn how to read too, but my brothers don't want to teach me, they said that girls are only supposed to cook and do chores." She said while looking down with an adorable pout.

Other kids can be this cute too? I never knew that, the only cute kid i can accept before, is Wendy.

"They said that? Well they're stupid, you're a smart kid yourself. If you want, i can teach you. I'm not sure if i'll be a good teacher, but i can try." I offered to her feeling sorry.

I thought that because this world is a non homophobic world, there wouldn't be a discrimination against gender, like having gender roles, i guess i'm wrong.

"Really? You will teach me? I'd love that!" She jumped from her place, not minding that she's already pulling me with her.

"Yes, now calm down and bring me to a bookstore, so we can buy a book for you too."

"There are bookstores near the noble district, we can buy there. Oh! There's also a library where you can read for free, but, we can't go in there because the book lady said that noise isn't allowed in there." She told me, now calmly walking again.

"I see, we should visit the bookstores first. Where is it?" I now feel excited because finally, i can read once again.

"Let's go." She said and pulled me.

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