26. Train

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Silver's point of view

It's been two months since i've moved in to the Cross Estate, so far, nothing major has happened. Mother has always been visiting me whenever she has time, which is not a lot, considering how busy of a person she is.

Right now, we are having breakfast in the dining room of my mansion, she said she doesn't want to look at Douglas' face today because she's not in the mood for it.

So she decided to have breakfast with me instead, which i am happy about, because i kinda miss her, honestly speaking. It sounds a little childish, but who cares, i'm a person who only had parents for the first time, so it's a little new for me too.

"You mean, you made your own secret hideout inside my Estate without me knowing it? Wow, i would have been shocked, if only i was not impressed." Mother said those while smiling widely at me.

She's sitting on the head of the table, while i sit on her right side. The table is full of food, that i don't think we can finish, with just the two of us. I don't normally eat with lots of food on the table, but Mother Duchess is here, i should show her hospitality by preparing a bunch of food she wouldn't even eat.

A noble should have the face and show everyone how prosperous their life is, that's how they show how powerful they are, and the etiquette tutor said that i'm not an exception to that. She said that in order to gain respect from other people, i should show them that i'm better than all of them. But i don't believe in that, respect should be through equal respect, if you know how to respect, then you'll be respected, but when i told her that, she slapped my palms so hard, her stick broke in half. She thought that i'll cry in pain, but what she didn't know is that, i was circulating my mana that time, so a mere stick wouldn't even be felt. I never told anyone about her condescending attitude towards me, not even mother. There's no harm done anyway, and i don't like going through the trouble of finding another tutor.

"It was supposed to be a secret, Mother, but in case you can't find me, please do know that i am just in my secret hideout." I smiled back at her.

"There's nothing happening in this empire that wouldn't reach my ears, but you managed to do something inside my own domain, without me knowing. My daughter is really great, she can put a chickens's egg in a dragon's nest, and make it believe that it's her own." Mother Duchess jokingly said.

"Hahahahaha, Mother, why are you and Mother Tara always like to say things like that?" I laughed at Mother's words, but i stopped myself when i saw her smile dropped with the mention of Mother Tara.

I held her hand from across the table and smiled at her to comfort her. "Don't be sad Mother, Mother Tara would be mad at me if she heard that i made you unhappy. She said that a lady should only have a smile on her face, that way she can shine like a star she is. She'll smack me hard especially if it's you i made sad." I said jokingly.

"I know my daughter, i just miss her. And you, you will never make me unhappy, on the contrary, i've been a lot happier ever since you arrived, everytime that i'm with you is happier than the last." Mother held the top of my hand and smiled her most beautiful smile.

When Mother and i finished our breakfast, we sat in the living room and talked about random things. Mother sat on the chair in front of me as she looked around, her eyes stopped on a particular painting, hanging on the wall.

"It seems, like you and Monica are becoming closer, is she bothering you too much?" Mother sipped on the tea cup in her hand as she grinned my way.

"Monica is still a child, Mother, so i understand her." I said as i put another cube of sugar in her cup of tea as she requested.

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