8. Sweet

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Silver's point of view

As the sound of the horse's hooves hitting the grassy ground, can be heard all throughout the area, a nasty growl from somewhere deep within the forest, broke the silence of the entire forest.

I was surprised by the sound, that i accidentally leaned back hitting mother's chest with my head. I only hit her chest as mother is way, way taller than i am, so my head just reached her lower chest while sitting on a horse.

It's the first time that i heard that kind of growl, and i was living in a forest my whole eight years of life here.

"What was that mother?!" I asked mother, while looking around, hoping to not catch a glimpse of the one who made that nasty growl.

"That is a bear, a monster type of bear. It's one of the strongest land monters that ever existed. Their paws are so strong, it could rip another monster with just Its hand. It usually lives deep in forests and eat birds and other smaller monsters." Mother explained to me, without looking away from the road.

"Really, mother? If it's just one of the strongest, does that mean that there a lot more of stronger ones?" I asked, this is a chance to learn more about beasts roaming around this world.

"Yes, wayyyy stronger than that. Land monsters are typically the most hunted beasts, because they are the most accessible, in turn, they became the most ferocious and have the most kills." She answered.

"Can you defeat one mother?" I asked mother because i'm curious of how much damage she can do to that kind of monster.

"Of course i can, a monster beast is just strong but not so smart and fast. So if you are a high class out fighter adventurer, you can defeat one with effort. It will take a lot of time to kill it, but it's possible. If you are a high class in fighter adventurer, it will be a lot harder, since bear type monsters are strong inside their attack zone. But, if you are a wizard, you can easily defeat one by drowning it, unless you're of lower class, then that would be hard, it's fur is fire proof because monster bears are classified as fire type. Good thing that this excellent mother of yours, is both an in fighter and an out fighter, and an excellent mana user too. That bear is nothing against my mighty sword." Mother smugly smiled my way and posed as if holding a sword in front of us with her right hand, with her left hand still holding the rein.

I remained silent as she spit out words about her being the best. I purposely yawned to show her that i'm bored and don't believe her, but i guess mother is in too deep in being narcissistic.

Mother and i continued on with our journey, she's explaining about certain monster type animals we encounter on our way. She told me their habits, their attack pattern, and their weaknesses. I listened to her and engraved the information in my head because she said that i'll need those knowledge to survive in the wild.

As we were riding beside a gently flowing river, we suddenly heard a scream coming from our front.

"What's that mother?" I asked mother, looking at the direction of the sound with wide eyes. I'm pretty sure it came from a woman.

"They probably met some monster on their way." Mother answered me, calmly, stopping shade on its tracks.

"Aren't we going to help them?"

"We can't just meddle with other people's business, besides we are here to hide. If we go and help them, we're not sure if they will not speak about us to the dog. You shouldn't trust anyone in this world Silver, everyone has desires they want to fulfill. We never know if those people are bad news or not." Mother explained, looking ahead of us.

"But... other people's safety is of our concern, if we have the capability. If i were in that situation i would want someone to save me too." I understand her point, but i can't just stay here without doing anything.

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