25. Handsome

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Silver's point of view

The dark path leading towards the main mansion is coming into view. We were walking for a almost a quarter of an hour now, that's how big this place is.

The girl on my back is already asleep, she probably got tired because of crying.

When i continued to walk for some more, i heard shouting from the distance, coming from left and right. The people shouting have torches and lamps with them, they're probably looking for this girl on my back.

Someone came up to us, he's a butler holding a torch. The torch he is holding made me squint my eyes.

"Miss, it's dark now, you should go back to yo-ah! Miss Monica! Here! Young Miss is here!" He shouted as he noticed the girl on my back.

A bunch of people came including Mother Duchess, she was frowning when she came but the worry turned into surprise when she saw me with Monica on my back.

"Monica! Silver, what happened to her, is she alright? Why is she unconscious?" She asked as she held the sleeping child's face, still sleeping on my back. She motioned for a butler to get the child from my back. The girl felt her being pulled away and held my neck tighter, but she eventually loosened her hold.

"She's fine Mother, she just fell asleep, i saw her crying when i was walking around the area." I answered, making sure that she is comfortable, while giving her to the man. The man bowed to Mother and turn his back and brought the girl towards the direction of the main mansion.

"Thank goodness," she said as she pulled me for a hug.

"I see, how about you, are you hurt, are you tired?" Mother asked me these questions while holding both the sides of my face.

I smiled at her and answered, "no, Mother, i'm fine."

"I'm not the one who you should be concerned about, Mother. Monica... i saw her earlier with a hand print on her cheek and a busted lip. She said that her big brother hit her because he got annoyed by her." I said, not hiding anything.

Mother's brows furrowed and asked me seriously, "whose big brother is it?"

"Howard," i said.

I think i saw mother's vein on her forehead popped. She frowned as she sighed, trying to calm herself down. I can't help but to gulp as i see this side of her again. This is the side of her that even mother Tara gets frightened of.

"I need to do something my daughter, will you be fine?" She asked, now looking less angry.

I nodded my head as an answer. She kissed my forehead and go on her way without forgetting to order someone to escort me back.

I looked at mother's back as i feel a storm brewing somewhere, a very strong storm.

I got back to my room and just decided to sleep away all my thoughts.

The next day, i heard that the high and mighty young master Howard, is locked inside his room. He needs to copy five thick books as a punishment. I'm not really surprised that he got punished, but what i am surprised is when Monica, came into my mansion with a gift in hand. I thought it was a one time thing, but oh boy was i wrong.

It's been a week since i came into this Estate, but i've never met the other children at all. Only Monica who always visits me everyday is the only one i see. The one week that i've been with her, i came to know that she's a very kind girl. Whenever one of her servants make a mistake, she will just laugh it off and forgive them. I also learned that she's interested in music, an interest we both share. Whenever we are talking about music, her eyes would shine like a cat seeing tuna. She's a very cute kid, the big sister in me is kicking in whenever she's around.

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