31. Fly

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Silver's point of view

"Silver!" I heard someone shout from somewhere, Mother and i looked back and we saw the stubborn Princess running, with her maids following. They look like they could be anywhere else but there.

When she got in front me, i bowed my practiced bow for imperial stars.

"Your Highness," i said then looked up at her. I am taller than her so i have to look down at her. "What can i do for you?"

"Why are you calling me that again? I told you to just call me Sapphire, let's go, let's have some tea in my palace." She held my hand and pulled me, i held her hand tighter stopping her on her tracks.

"I need to ask Mother for permission first." I said looking at Mother with the please-don't-agree look. She only smiled at me and turned to the Princess.

"It was a lovely day today, Your Grace." The princess did a perfect curtsy towards mother, which she returned with a small smile. "May i have the permission to take Silver to my palace for tea?" She asked once the formalities are done.

"Of course you may, take your time and enjoy. I shall take my leave then." After Mother said that, she immediately turned around and left us alone.

I want to run after her but i forgot about this girl who's still holding my hand. She smiled at me and pulled me once again, while i stare at mother's back with a betrayed look on my face. I just sighed and walked beside her, i tried to remove her hand from mine, but she held it tighter.

"What's with this kid's grip strength?" I thought to myself and let her be.

"The train earlier was so amazing, it feels like i was riding a carriage, but without me rocking about. I'm sure that everyone will like it too after it becomes available in the future, i want to ride it again." I can't help but to smile at her cuteness.

"How about i give it to you? The small train earlier," what i said made her eyes open wide. She held her palm to her mouth, with her free hand.

"Really?! You will? I'd love that!" She exclaimed, i guess she really loved the train earlier.

I'm not sure if i should be guilty or something for saying that the train is my invention, i mean, technically, the magus train is something different from a steam engine train, but i can't help but to cringe whenever they say it's my own invention. I don't like taking credit of someone else's work.

I was about to sigh in relief when she let go of my hand, but quickly gasped when she hugged me tight.

"Thank you Silver," she said, snuggling on my neck. I only smiled at her lightly and pat her head.

"Yeah, yeah, you're welcome. Now let go of me and let's go." I told her while trying to get her off of me, good thing she didn't resist and just moved away. This kid is really clingy.

"Let's go," she said as she walked to the direction we were heading to earlier.

I was about to walk too, when she turned back around and smiled at me, i don't know what's going on in that little head of hers, so i just raised my brow. She held my hand again and pulled me to run.

When we got to her palace, she was breathing heavily and covered in sweat, but she still smiled at me, for whatever reason.

I fetched for my handkerchief and wiped her forehead with it. She's just looking up at me the whole time. This kid really reminds me of Wendy, so rowdy and stubborn.

"Aren't Princesses supposed to be prim and proper?" I asked while i beckoned her to turn around, which she did without any questions.

After i wiped her nape, she turned and asked. "Why, do you like prim and proper ladies more?" She asked with her head tilted to the side. There was a tint of sadness in her eyes too. She looks so adorable, i can't help but to pinch her cheeks.

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