19. Transition

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Silver's point of view

The month long transition is about to end today, every night with the moon at it's peak, i always wake up in pain. Everything hurts, i can't breathe properly, mother said that after this, i'll feel better than ever.

It's only a month but it's the longest month of my life... both of my lives. Today is the last day of the transition and also my birthday, though i don't feel like it. Tonight is also the most painful night, because tonight the moon is full. I should prepare for it, it will be painful like no other pain i felt this month.

Because of this experience, i'm pretty sure my pain tolerance sky rocketed. That would probably be helpful in the future.

Aside from the obvious pains, i can feel my body changing, my height increased so much, from being the tiniest in my age group, i think i surpassed them now. I also felt my muscles growing stronger, and my already sharp brain became sharper alongside my senses. It's painful, but i think it will be worth it.

Mother Duchess said that we will celebrate my birthday after we get back down this mountain, she always come here whenever she has free time. She can't always be  here because she has duties to attend to. At first she doesn't want to leave, but after we convinced her that we'll be fine, she reluctantly agreed.

Right now, the sun is setting, once the moon is at it's peak, the full transition will be finished.

"My seedling, what do you want to be when you grow up?" Mother Tara asked.

The three of us, Mother Duchess, Mother Tara, and me are sitting on the grass looking at the sunset. Mother Duchess is sipping on a glass of tea, sitting so elegantly, that the grass would be ashamed being below her. While Mother Tara is sitting rather so unladylike, and me, i'm just sitting criss crossed with my hands on my sides, supporting half my body.

I don't know where the question came from but i just answered, to not be rude. "I want to travel the world," i said. The dream i've always had since my last life. I think this world would be more interesting because there would be things i never knew existed that i'll surely encounter.

"Really? But how can you have a family if you're always travelling?" Mother asked, hearing my response.

"Then, i'll just be alone forever. I think that would be better." I shrugged.

Mother Tara and i suddenly looked at Mother Duchess' direction when we heard something fell. The tea she was holding earlier is now on the ground with it's content spilled on the ground.

"What's wrong, Mother?" I asked her concerned.

"What do you mean, you'll live alone forever? I'm your mother, i will never let you live alone." Mother Duchess looked at me as if her whole life fell before her very eyes.

"It's alright Mother, i can manage. I don't need a hindrance in my way." I heaved a sigh of relief knowing that nothing happened to her.

"What do you mean a hindrance, you can't say for sure. What if you fall in love in the future? What would they feel if they learned that you once called them a hindrance?" Mother looked horrified with my words, she kinda looks silly.

"Mother, don't think about it too much, whatever happens, happens." I lightly chuckled because of how serious she looks right now.

She looked at me, contemplating wether to say something, but she only sighed and decided not to. She smiled at me lightly and gently caressed my left cheek.

"Tsk, nobody would want to get married with you anyway. With that personality of yours, they'll just get annoyed at you." Mother Tara smirked at me, making me squint my eyes.

"At least i'm not a crybaby," i teased back.

"Who's a crybaby? Aren't you the one who cries every night?" Mother countered looking offended.

"Because it hurts, it would be more surprising if you see me laugh in pain." I looked at mother still squinting my eyes.

"Stop, both of you. You're all talk, but at the end of day, you're both a cry baby." Mother Duchess scolded both of us, with her gentle voice. Mother Tara and i, only looked at her shocked.

"Let's eat now." Mother Duchess, added.

For a couple of hours, the three of us only talked about random things, and before we know it,  night time came.

I was meditating on top of a rock on this mountain when i felt it, a feeling i've been familiar with. I looked up at the moon and saw that it was already at it's peak. Mother looked at me, and i nodded at her, confirming what she's thinking about.

A sudden burst of pain came from my chest making me fall on my back. Mother immediately caught me and positioned herself on my back. Doing this for thirty nights straight, i've learned a technique in order to ease the pain even for a little. That is to meditate during the transition, it does not remove the pain entirely, but it still helps.

The pain that i thought i've become familiar with, tonight is doubled, no tripled. It's hurts so much, i think i lost consciousness for a second, but i still meditated as much as i can. The burning feeling in my chest, spread throughout my entire body. The itch in my skin is so noticeable i want to scratch to the point of scraping it. My head also felt like it was going to burst. I can feel my eyes burning like my whole body.

"ARGGGGHHHHHH!" i can't help but to scream. The most painful scream i made. The wolves from somewhere inside the forest howled making the night, less quieter than usual.

Mother's palm on my back, helping to circulate my magus, made the pain a little tolerable. Thanks to it, even though we've been going at it for a few hours now, the pain did not subside but i managed to stay conscious.

Little by little, i feel the burning feeling cooled down, my skin stopped itching and the pain in my eyes disappeared.

A couple more minutes and the only pain i can feel is the throbbing in my head. I opened my eyes as i took a deep breath, the pain in my whole body disappeared completely, making me sigh in relief. Unlike the other days after the process, today was different, i am more energetic right now and not tired at all, on the contrary, i feel more alive than ever.

"Mother, i'm fine now. I think it's done, you should rest too, mother." I looked at mother on my back and told her the situation.

Mother Tara smiled at me and heaved a sigh of relief. Mother looks tired with bags under her eyes and she look a little paler. Mother Duchess walked to us and she asked if we are both okay, and we said yes.

Mother Tara hugged me and pulled Mother Duchess too for a group hug. We all went inside our tent and sleep to rest our tired mind and body.

When afternoon came, we all woke up and came down the mountain. Both my mothers are  looking energetic today, probably because they can now rest assure.

Just like what Mother Duchess said, we celebrated my birthday in our house. Mother Tara gifted me a small horse, Shade's foal, while Mother Duchess gave me a pocket watch, both gifts i will treasure forever.

After this happiness, i know that Mother Tara and i will be apart. I know that our bond will not be broken by anything, but being away from her... just the thought of it doesn't feel good at all.

All i can do is be strong, so strong that nobody would dare to go against me, so nobody would dare hurt who i treasure. I need to have power to be able to stay with Mother Tara.

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