3. Seedling

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After two years

Deos, Imperial year 7
Hugo town, In the middle of the forest

The chirping of the birds could be heard everywhere, the sun is shining hitting top of the tall trees providing shades. The fresh breeze of the wind swaying the branches, creating a very relaxing sound.

As small footsteps can be heard crunching the grass on the ground, a small head popped out from behind a tree.

"Have you found it already?" A woman wearing a simple shirt and trousers, laying on the ground, with her hands on the back of her head as a pillow. Without opening her eyes, asked the small child holding a coin purse.

"Yes, mother. I found it! It's so easy to find it." The child answered as she lied down beside the woman, spreading her limbs as she also closes her eyes.

"My seedling is really a genius, I'm pretty sure you didn't get that from me. HAHAHAHAHA." The woman heartily laughed feeling proud.

"Then who did i get it from?" The child's question made the woman stop.

"Uhm, you got it from someone very intelligent, someone very reliable, someone very clever. Hahaha." Different from earlier this laugh is more forced.

The woman fell into a trance as she glanced at the sky losing herself in the sights of the clouds.

Silver's point of view

It's been two years since i was born in this world. Not much has happened, but in the first year of me being born, i get to understand a lot more about this world.

This is a world of magic, i know, it's impossible, but it really is. The first time i came across magic, i was surprised, i mean, who wouldn't?

I just saw the woman taking care of me, my mother, created fire from her hands. She just casually lit up a bunch of woods in the fireplace. My eyes almost came out of it's socket and i can't help but to yelp, making my mother laugh. She poked my cheeks again saying i was so cute.

She told me that, what she did is magic. The fire came from Magus, the energy coming from the nature, and then she said that she used it to create fire. She's seriously explaining it as if a baby can understand, as I've said, i'm no ordinary baby but still.

So that's how i came to know, that this world is a fantasy world, for me at least.

The next couple of months is pretty interesting, i get to see her use Magus, i get to see her train. She is a very skilled fighter, that i'm sure. She always bring me whenever she trains her fighting skills, she's very good in hand to hand combat and she's even using sword and other various weapons.

It's always my favorite time  whenever she brings me to the town. She introduces me to different things, like the armory, the market, the blacksmiths, carpenters, artist's shops, and even the small food stalls.

Whenever we go to the town, a lot of people are waving at us. She, my mother, is a very friendly person, i wouldn't be surprised if she says that she knows everyone in here.

In exchange for Mother's good deeds, there's always a bunch of people bringing us vegetables and fruits as a thank you gift. They say thank you because mother is helping them with some practical things, like fixing their roofs, helping with farming, and other laborious things.

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