12. Magus

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Silver's point of view

It's been a few days since that encounter with the beautiful lady in the bookstore. As i've guessed i became a frequent customer of the art alley, the name of the place me and Lori went to.

Speaking of Lori, she's been improving her reading and writing with a steady pace. As i have thought, she is a bright child, especially with numbers. She's got the talent for numbers that i, a Mathwiz is amazed. If she's from my world, she'll probably a child who's name is known in the Math department.

Right now, mother and i are out for hiking. She said that with my speed of learning, i can now go with her hunting and hiking trip, the run as we call it.

I'm sitting atop a big rock on top of a mountain while closing my eyes. My legs are on a criss crossed position. I am practicing meditation to improve my concentration, this is important for my magus training.

As of now, i still can't manifest the magus outside my body. I've been reading and reading whatever i can to understand, but i still can't see any reason why i can't even light a spark with my fingers.

Mother said that the reason could have been because i'm still a child that i can't have a full on concentration.

But no, i did some research and i learned that younger nobles are trained to manifest magus when they're still a child. That is the reason why nobles look more powerful than commoners, because they are highly trained, and trained earlier.

So i don't see any reason why i can't do it. It's a hurdle, a puzzle that i need to solve, in order to fully have the control and access of my magus.

I know i'm not someone without a magus, it's almost impossible that someone is born without one. A magus is found in the heart of humans, like a monster crystal that drops when it dies. It is awaken when someone is fully in tuned with the world of chanting, the magus manifests itself if the chanter or the magus user is believing his or her words, meaning, the magus is in the heart, but the manifestation is from the mindset. The more you believe and in tuned, the more powerful the manifestation is.

So unlike the mana that manifests through the repeated action of muscles or muscle memory, the magus is the concentration of the mind.

I've been brainstorming the cause of this, i even talked to some adventurers to seek for advice, but nothing helps.

Whenever i felt like i believe in my words, something pops up, then i go back to zero.

I was so frustrated that i bashed my head on a tree beside me, making mother surprised.

"Why don't you just practice magus, like me, you can do it now can't you? I'm not very good with magus too, i can only do some spells that help me survive, so i gave it my all to manifest mana. Why not just focus your all to mana instead, magus and mana aren't that different anyway." Mother said while doing push ups with our stuff tied on her back.

"What do you mean mother? Aren't mana and magus two different things?" I asked her, it's the first time i heard about the magus and mana being not too different, everywhere i read it always say that magus and mana are two completely different things.

"I'm not too good with studying, but i remember my professor from the academy once said, magus is the source of mana. Both are different on how to use, but both are inside us all. Magus is from inside to outside, letting it flow out, while mana is from the concentrated magus, from the inside then letting it flow within. Mana users can use magus, but only a little, because all their concentration are on the body, strengthening it. For magus users, they can't use mana at all, because mana is engraved in the muscle and can only be used through physical training." Mother patiently answered my questions, now doing one hand push ups.

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