23. Agnes

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Silver's point of view

Mother and i are now sitting on my bed, she's looking at me worriedly. I think i already know the reason of her hesitation to tell me what's bothering her.

"Your Mother Tara... She's gone. W-when i came to your house, everything was a mess, a-and your mother is not there." Mother told me, she really looks scared.

I went to her and pat her back, "it's fine Mother, she's fine. Look," i reached for the letter in one of the drawers and gave it to her.

"What's this?" Mother asked, pertaining to the letter in her hand.

"A letter Mother Tara left before we part ways. I think you should read it too." I told her, with my hand still on her back.

Mother looked down at the letter and unfolded it, she started reading the letter as i wait for her.

Mother looked up at me, and sighed, she looks a little relieved now. She smiled at me lightly and gave back the letter.

"I'm sorry if i was a mess earlier, i was just a little worried and scared about your Mother's well being." Mother Duchess said, looking at me guilty.

"I understand mother, i was worried too, but i'm fine now because i know that mother can fend for herself." I said to reassure her.

Mother Duchess really looked worried earlier, she's probably shocked.

After talking for some more, mother need to do something about mother Tara's situation.

I escorted her out of the mansion where a carriage is waiting for her. This place is huge that you'll need carriages in order to move from one mansion to another.

I looked at Mother's carriage for some time and decided to go back. When i turned my back, i saw a dark figure, hiding behind a tree with my peripheral vision, but when i looked at it, it's gone.

I decided to not fret over it and walk inside. I was left alone again, with nothing to do, and no one to talk to. I decided to just go out and stroll.

When i open the door, before i can walk out of it, a bunch of people came. The head maid Agnes are leading them. There are a bunch people carrying tons of clothes, and mannequins, there are also some people who are carrying boxes of shoes.

I was frowning towards them when the head maid spoke. "Young Miss, they are the people that Her Grace ordered to get your measurements, they are the ones assigned to create your dresses and shoes to your liking." She explained.

"So this is what mother is talking about earlier."

"But i'm not fond of dresses, i train a lot and move around so i prefer practical clothes." I told her.

"Of course Miss, we can provide you with anything you prefer." A woman said, she's one of those people who are carrying clothes earlier.

"Okay, so what now?" I asked no one in particular.

"For today, we are just going to get your measurements, and we'll ask you about your preferred styles and colors." The dress maker said.

"I see," after i said that, a bunchof ladies walled over to me and started working.

They took my measurements and wrote it down, after all those tiring minutes, with me just standing around, it's now done.

"So, what kind of outfit do you prefer? Do you have anything in particular that you like? We can do anything for you." The dress maker asked.

"I prefer neutral colors, and pants.  In shoes, i would like the flat ones, and high cuts. Do you do robes and sweaters too?" I have an idea. I really miss wearing the clothes i used to wear indoors and when i'm working out.

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