22. Find

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Deborah's point of view

The day of my daughter's arrival was a very exciting day, i get to introduced her to my other children. There was a little mishap, but everything went well.

Tomorrow i am going to Tara to tell her about our daughter's safe arrival. That woman looks tough on the outside, but i'm sure she's crying her eyes out right now. I know the feeling of being away from our daughter, so i understand her.

When tomorrow came, i went down to have breakfast with my husband, a man i've never loved. The man who tried to kill my lover and our child, the man i hate to the core.

"I heard that you already brought your bastard in here." I was in the middle of eating my breakfast, when he sat down on my side, spouting those nonsense.

I put down my utensils a little forcefully showing my displeasure. I looked at him with my most serious face.

"I accepted all your children, i loved them all, i treated them like my own, all of them. The ones you had with other women, and the ones you forced on me. So i don't want to hear you spouting nonsense about my child." I said, emphasizing every words, with my coldest stare, staring right into his hateful eyes.

"You think i'll let you be just because you're my husband? Think again Douglas. If you think i was already powerful when i have nothing to lose, right now i have everything to lose. Remember this in that small brain of yours, you only have what you have right now, because of me, because i'm still not doing anything to throw and dispose of you, and if that day comes, you can't stop me, even if you try. So instead of interfering with my business, do everything that you can in order to be a good dog, and please me. Else i would lose patience and do something you wouldn't want me to." I added, and wiped my mouth with the napkin.

"I lost my appetite," i said, standing up from my seat. The sound of the chair scraping the floor broke the silence.

I walked out of the dining room and straight to the direction of the entrance of my mansion, where my carriage is waiting.

"Let's go, you know where to." I got straight towards the direction of the carriage, not minding the bowing knights, giving me way.

Before i get inside, i turned towards my head knight, Calvin. "Also, get rid of the rats hiding around," i then went inside the carriage.

The way to Tara's place is quite long, so it took us some time to get there. When i do, i immediately walked out the carriage and knocked on the closed door, but no one is answering. Because of confusion, i tried to push the door and it opened. I got inside and what i saw inside horrified me.

Everything is in chaos, the once properly placed furnitures are turned upside down, some things are scattered on the ground, everything was a mess. But what i am concerned about is the missing Tara, i looked around the house and she's nowhere to be seen.

I can't help the tears that ran down my cheeks, as i imagined every possible thing that could have happened to her. I lost my composure and almost fell because of shock.

I immediately went back outside and talked to a guard. "Find Tara, at all cost." I ordered, though i know it would be hard if she's the one hiding herself.

The knight only bowed and go on to do my task.

"Where are you Tara? What happened to you?" I can only ask those questions to the wind as i sighed and leaned my head on the wall of this carriage. A tear fell down my eyes, as an uncontrollable sob escaped my tightly lipped mouth.

I lost her again, i lost my love again. I don't know how to explain this our child.


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