16. Mother

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Silver's point of view

When i got back to our house, mother and duchess Deborah are sitting side by side with mother having her arms on the Duchess' shoulders, while she is leaning her head on mother's shoulder, they look sweet right now, yo be honest, too sweet it makes me want to turn back around and forget what i saw.

With a beautiful woman sitting on it, our simple couch looked more expensive than it actually is.

"Mother i'm back," i broke the atmosphere, making them look my way.

"Where in the world's edge did you go to? I've been worried sick about you," mother said looking very worried.

I only looked at her bored. "Really mother? Worried sick while being lovey dovey in our house with a lady in your arms?"

"Uh-huh, i'm sorry mother for making you worried. I'm sure you're so worried you can't even eat." I sarcastically answered mother while walking up to my room, on the second floor.

"Wait, Silver! Come here!" Mother stopped me on my tracks.

I went down again and looked at them confused. They are both standing now while mother's hand is on the back of the Duchess.

"Wow, can't keep your hands to yourself huh?" I thought to myself.

"Do you remember the woman i told you before? Your other mother? Here she is. Silver, i would like you to meet, your mother Deborah." Mother introduced her to me, with a smile.

"Yes, i remember, mother." I answered mother and turned to the silent Duchess. "Hello, nice meeting you, Duchess." i greeted her as i bow my head, showing respect.

The smile on her faced dropped almost instantly, her eyes that was shining earlier is now replaced with a sullen and sad look. I think i said something wrong.

"This is so awkward."

She took a step forward and held my hands. "Can you call me mother too? I've been waiting for you to call me that." She asked me, eyes shining, like a kid opening a gift on Christmas.

"Oh! Stupid me, how can i call her Duchess so coldly," i face palmed myself in my mind.

"Okay, mother," i smiled at her, as she smiled back at me.

"Thank you," she pulled me in for a hug.

"Why don't the three of us eat outside?" She moved away from the hug and asked mother and me.

"I would love too, but you know we can't." Mother Tara shook her head no.

"Oh, yes. You're right, then let's ask for my men to bring us food," and so she did.

Right now, we are eating in our small table with lots of food on it. Mother Tara is sitting beside Mother Duchess- it's still awkward for me to call her that, and i was sitting across from them.

"You should eat more Silver, so you'll grow faster." Mother Duchess said as she put a lot of food on my plate.

"Thank you," i said to her, looking at the pile of food on my plate.

"You don't need to be so polite with me, i'm your mother." She smiled at me and held my small hand from across the table.

I only nodded my head and continued eating. They are talking about random things in their past, while i was quietly eating. The topic then changed, and it's now about me.

"Shall i bring her with me in the mansion?" She asked mother Tara making her stop from taking a bite on her food.

"You can't just take her away from me, besides... she'll need me when she turns ten years old. You know how crucial for her that time is." Mother immediately disagreed. I don't want to be away from her either, as much as possible, i want to live with her until she kicks me out herself.

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