18. Origin

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Silver's point of view

A long time ago, when there was nothing in the world, there was a deity. The deity thought that living in nothingness is something they don't enjoy, so they made the universe.

The first burst of magus, the origin of all. The deity created humongous flying balls, floating around, but they're not satisfied with it.

They got inside every flying ball to decorate them how they please. Every ball has different characteristics, different designs.

And they fell in love in a particular ball, they always stay inside that ball, that ball is the world. The deity bask themselves in the beauty of the world. They love it so much that the deity created animals to enjoy what she did.

But one day, a calamity happened, everything the deity enjoyed is destroyed. Some of his animals became mad, lost to their very essence, they acquired the power to destroy everything the deity created. Because of too much magus from the moon, the only thing that lights up the world, some animals lost their mind and created chaos, a massacre of their own kind.

So she decided to create a guardian to take care of her creations whenever they're away. This creation is the child of the moon, they take care of the heavens and everything in this world when the deity is away, the guardian of the moon. But they can't take care of everything, they only have one body.

The deity heard the moon child's suffering and so they created lots of other creatures. The deity created the child of the sun, the humans. They are the guardian of the ball of light she gifted to the world, the ruler of flat lands. The Beastmen, the guardian of the land animals she created, the guardian of the forest. The Mers, ruler of the vast seas, and the guardian of the sea animals. The Elves, the guardian of the mountains and rocks, they rule the raging volcanoes. The dragons who rules the sky, the guardian of wind animals. And last but not the least, the Terras, guardian of the underworld, where no there is no light, only darkness.

So alongside the deity, the guardians took care of the world, making it flourish. But when the guardians acquired consciousness, they became dissatisfied, each one of them wanted to look over the entire world, they became so greedy that the deity got mad, they decided to part each of their creations.

The sky became so high that the ones on the ground cannot reach, only the dragons can get to it. The mountains became so hard to climb that only elves can get to the top. The seas became so deep, only Mer can swim to the depths of it. The forests became so dangerous, that every inch of it, beasts are roaming. The flat lands became so high up the ground that Terra cannot get on top.

The moon guardian became so sad about the parting it decided to consult the deity. The deity agreed to the moon child that everything will be covered in the moon's light, when it's night time. So they can still see through the world.

And so, the once united worlds, fell part.

I sighed to myself and closed the book i was reading.

"So that's the origin of this world huh, sounds like a fairy tale to me." I said to myself once i finished reading this origin book mother Tara brought for me. Well it's actually a fairy tale book, she said that i should read fairy tale books because i can learn from them too.

Tomorrow, mother and i will go on a hike, she said that i need to be close to the moon as much as possible when i transition, so the process will be easier.


"Now, i need to tell you something. It's about your tenth birthday." Mother seriously said.

"The process will be so painful, are you ready?" She added.

"Yes, mother. I think i'm ready," i told her.

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