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┏━━━━━━━━━━┓chapter seventy one:maybe i just lost control┗━━━━━━━━━━┛

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chapter seventy one:
maybe i just lost control

     "WHAT'S THE HOLD UP?" Kol questioned impatiently. "All right, we rescued Nik, we escaped mortal danger why are we not on a private jet to Saint-Tropez? You can catch up on the last five years when we're on our way," He took Elijah's newspaper. "I can assure you haven't missed much."

"Circumstances have changed we will leave here soon enough." Elijah replied.

"We have our niece to consider." Rebekah pointed out.

"Kol has a point." Freya nodded at Kol. "We need to put an ocean between us and Marcel Gerard as soon as possible. Lev, what do you think?"

Leviana looked up, glancing around them. "I don't really care. Stay. Leave. It's all the same to me."

"We're not going anywhere today." Klaus declared. "I want one day of peace with my daughter. Before we uproot her."

"Any delay is a risk."

"One day." Klaus said, causing Freya to sigh. "We're in the middle of nowhere, the house is cloaked. We weren't followed, and I'm not asking!"

The sound of a door opening caught their attention. "Everybody, look who's awake." Hayley smiled, ushering a much older Hope to the porch.

"Hello." Hope looked around nervously.

Klaus seemed to tense. "Hello."

There was a moment of awkward silence. "Mom, can I go play in the garden?"

"Yeah. Sure." Hayley smiled at her, watching her walk away. She and Klaus sighed.

"LET ME GUESS —— YOU WANT THE WORLD TO DISAPPEAR." Leviana chuckled as she stood next to Hayley on the porch.

"Not the whole world." She corrected. "You can stay. Hope, too. Klaus can visit on the weekends, I guess. I betrayed a lot of people over the last five years, Lev. Killed people just to cover my tracks, keep Hope safe. I was ruthless."

"What else were you supposed to do?" Leviana questioned. "You did what you had to."

"The truth is, I'd do it all again." Hayley sighed. "I told myself a hundred times that it was all for Hope, but maybe I did it for selfish reasons, too. When I wasn't with my daughter, all I thought about was you. I should be happy right now, but there's one of my kind in a barn, miserable and scared, and she doesn't deserve to be there."

"Then let her go." Leviana shrugged. "I'm sure Freya has more than enough venom."

"But if Marcel finds you . . ." Hayley trailed. "Lev, you just barely survived last time. I can't go through that again."

"And you can't do this forever." Leviana countered. "Your life should be more than trying to save us. If you keep going on like this, you'll lose yourself."

Hayley hesitated before she spoke. "Is that what happened yesterday?"

Leviana looked down, shaking her head. "I'm not sure what happened yesterday. I was starving, angry. I didn't mean to say what I said to Kol. It was cruel." She paused. "Truth is, I don't really feel like myself, Hayley."

Hayley put a hand on her shoulder. "You died, Lev. It's gonna take time for you to really feel like yourself again. Take me for example. You saw how I was after I died. It took time for me to be me again. You'll be okay it just takes time."

"WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME?" Leviana questioned as Hayley dragged her outside.

"Just a little bit further . . ." Hayley trailed.

Leviana was met with fairly lights, wine in an ice bucket, a small bench, and a table filled with many candles. "What's all this?"

"A break." Hayley smiled, holding up the wine bottle.

Leviana watched as Hayley poured it. "What happens now? Everyone's leaving. Elijah might go on some quest to find himself, Kol always leaves, Rebekah is actually leaving us this time, and Freya might go too."

Hayley handed Leviana a wine glass. "We live our lives." Hayley shrugged. "We can always visit them, they can always visit us. They won't be away forever." Leviana downed her wine. "You know I'm right."

"Maybe so." Leviana rolled her eyes playfully, setting the glass down. She paused, staring into Hayley's eyes with admiration. Her stomach had twisted and turned in a good way. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

THE NEXT THING LEVIANA KNEW, SHE AWOKE WITH HAYLEY'S ARM WRAPPED AROUND HER BODY. Leviana would have enjoyed the moment, had it not been for her pounding head. She took one of the sheets and wrapped it around her body before looking through Hayley's closet. She hoped Hayley wouldn't mind.

After getting dressed, she practically ran to the bathroom. Leviana adjusted the water to it's coldest setting. She then proceeded to make a cup with her hands to collect the water and put the water on her eyes. She hadn't had a non-magically induced headache in centuries. The water did not seem to help. If anything, the cold water made it worse.

Leviana looked up at herself in the mirror. She could have sworn her eyes had glowed a bright blue color. Though she didn't get much time to dwell on it as an ear piercing screech echoed in her head.

She gripped her head while groaning as she stumbled back into a wall, causing the picture frames to fall and shatter. Her world seemed to shake around her as the screeching got louder. Her groans had turned into loud sobs.

"Lev?" Hayley rushed into the bathroom in a robe. Freya had entered as well with the rest her family watching with horrified expressions at the door. "Lev, what's wrong? What happened?" She put her hands on Leviana's neck while looking at her worriedly. Leviana looked extremely pale, much like she did five years ago.

"Make it stop!" Leviana sobbed. The screeching got so loud, she could barely hear her voice. "Please, make it stop!"

Hayley looked around the room as it began to shake violently. She looked back to Leviana, only to see blood trickling from her eyes and ears.

"Leviana! Focus on my voice!" Freya shouted, though Leviana couldn't hear.

"Make it stop!"

Hayley made it stop the only way she could think of: she snapped Leviana's neck. Hayley let the heretic's head rest on her shoulder as she rubbed her back, trying to make sense of what had just happened.

They heard shuffling behind them. Hope had looked pale as well. "Mom, I don't feel so good."

authors note, season four is prob my least favorite season

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2022 ⏰

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