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At night before they came mom and grandma are setting the dining table and me, dad and grandpa are playing cards. "I beat you both" grandpa said and placed a card on the table. He won"I will win for sure next time " I said and we all laughed . " I forgot to tell you his son is coming with him . He is also in high school Prem but he is a year older than you so you should call him Phi', okay"I nodded. "Poor kid, he lost his mom at a very young age. He took a year break from school, didn't he? Dad asked grandpa. Grandpa said " You're right, but let me tell you, the kid is very well behaved for his age".

So a boy will also be there. My grandparents seem to like him so much .Grandpa told me to call him Phi' but when will I call him like that. I am too shy to talk to anyone. In school too, I only have one friend, my best friend Pineare. She is the only one I talk and share everything to.

After a while I hear the doorbell ring . I am unpacking my bag in a room on the first floor when I hear my mom calling "Prem, come to the dining table". " Coming mom"I said and went downstairs.

I am headed to the dining table, dad saw me coming and said "Prem, come meet uncle dean". "Sawadeekhrab uncle" and waid. "And he is Boun, his son......... " I see a black haired boy sitting next to my grandma "........ Boun"." Hello phi' Boun, I am Prem".
He smiles at me and said "hello, Prem".


A/N - sooooo, they met.

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