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Boun's POV

Our exams are over. We are going to meet our parents after a year.
"Prem are you done? , the food is ready". Prem is taking a shower. We'll leave for Phuket after eating.
" Phi' I forgot to take my clothes, give me a shirt from the closet".
I open the closet. A painting canvas on the lower side, caught my eye. Why would he put it here. I pick it up. It's....... Isn't it I? .
He might be hiding it from me. I put it back again.

We ate sandwiches .There's still an hour left before we leave. He is lying on the bed, playing on his phone. "Prem, can you bring me a glass of water. He went to take water while I let out the painting. " Prem, can I have it? ". His expression is so funny. " Ah.... Phi' give it to me". He ran towards me. I put the painting down and hold his wrist. I made him sit on my lap. "You didn't answer ? Can I have it? ". " Stop teasing me Phi'. We have to go now"he said pouting. "When did I tease you, my baby". He is blushing. " Oww....why are you so red, are you angry? ". " Let me go " He said whining. "Give me a kiss". He shakes his head. " Then I won't let you go ". "Okay, close your eyes ".
He started tickling me. " Pre.... Prem....... I give up.... Leave... me" I begged.

We left for Phuket. I missed dad so much. But We'll be there only for a few days. We reached there. Aunty kept calling Prem, all the way. We took a cab.

"Mom, I'm home ".Aunty came and hugged us". Then I went to my house.
I spoke with dad for a while. Then he took me to the restaurant for dinner.

We are spending time with our family. I didn't meet Prem for two days. I miss him already. But it's 11 :30 at night. I can't just go there and say that I came because I am missing Prem so much.

I decided to call him. " Hello, Prem, are you sleeping? "I ask. " No Phi', I miss you" He said . How can I not see him after he said this. "Prem......... I want to see you too". "Should I come over? ". " Phi'....... But...". "Just open the door quietly, I'll be there in 2 min". He agreed.

He opened the door. " Phi'.... Come in quick". Then we headed straight to his room after locking the door. In his room, "Phi' could have met tomorrow". " Yeah....but it's fun, sneaking like this is fun". He rolled his eyes at me. "Did you miss me? ".
He hugs me and says " I missed you".
*Baam* we heard a voice."Hey, what's this sound". " I think something fell , don't worry about it". "Everyone's sleeping, right? ". " Yes, I told you it's nothing, who would come here this late at night? ". " Alright, let's watch a movie".


A/N - Hmmm........... Suspicious 🧐

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