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It's so beautiful and peaceful here. I can hear the sound of wind blowing. Sunlight is filtering through leaves of the tall trees. I am swayed by the beauty here.

We will be staying in log cabins. There will be 4 persons in one . I, Fluke and other two boys from our major are in one of the cabins. We spent our whole afternoon wondering through the forest and taking pictures.

It's night time, we had our dinner. And now everyone's playing games or just chilling and talking. I am sitting with Fluke and see Sammy coming with two other students.
"Hey you two, why are you sitting here like idiots when everybody's having fun, let's play something".

Five of us agreed on playing 'never have I ever. Sammy explained the rules. We are supposed to drink alcohol but we don't have any and we can't anyway. " We'll play in rounds, whoever has the most folded fingers at end of the round, will get 20 forehead flicks".
Despite of setting the 20 flicks rule herself ,she got hit most of the rounds. She has sure done craziest shit . We played until 11 pm, then we were told to go sleep.

I am lying on the bed. I am thinking about that one statement Fluke said 'Never have I ever fallen in love' when we were playing . Now that I think about it.........hearing the word love , the person comes to my mind is................ him. But is it supposed to be like that. There is no doubt in that I do love him as my friend.............. But what about the vague sensation I get when he is with me, I feel like the rest of the world has gone blurry when our eyes meet, I only see him. My desire to always be with him ,What should I name all these. Is this love?



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