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I came back before sunrise from Prem's house. My dad was sleeping when I came. On the very day, in evening, I and dad were invited for dinner to Prem's house. I got ready to go there.

We are sitting on the dining table with others. "So how's your life in Bangkok" Aunt asked me. "It's fine, I am enjoying it so much and studies are going well too". Why do I feel like Aunt is giving me a weird look, not in a bad way. And Prem......... he hasn't talked to me since I came. He is acting weird too. He was fine in the morning. I shrugged it off. " I're enjoying it so much.......i feel like you've got a girlfriend " My dad said and laughed. Prem's smile dropped. Prem told me once that he doesn't want to hide anything from family for long. He'll be fine with telling them anytime. I think it's the perfect time to tell them, since everybody's here.
"Dad, I don't have a girlfriend..... I am dating Prem". Silence. But them Aunt said, grinning " So I was right, it was you last night, wasn't he? Prem". Ahh.... Aunt found out, that's why she was being like this and Prem was shying away since I came.
I smiled then looked at my dad. He is glaring at me. "I am sorry everyone, but I think we should go now". I don't think he is happy with what I said. " Boun, come with me". Uncle tried to stop him but he didn't stop. I didn't say anything and walked out after him. Prem was looking at me worriedly. I made a mistake. I should have waited more.

At my house, "Boun, you know that I have never stopped you from doing anything but this time, to be precise....... just stop it..... don't date him"." Why not dad, it's not that I'm just dating him casually, I love him, It's not possible for me to do what you're saying" I said. "Just think about it kid, he is a boy".
" But... Dad..... I love him". "Boun, just stop this, go to your room, right now, don't argue with me ". I didn't say anymore. I came to my room and locked the door.

Dad is the only family I have. His approval matters to me. But I can't leave Prem either. Dad has always been fine with it. I remember once, when I was in high school, a girl in our neighborhood, who is dad's friend's daughter, she came out to his family. Everyone in the neighborhood were talking shit about her, someone told dad to stop going to their house or the other kids will also be influenced by her. He always shut them off. He never talked bad about her. But why is he against his own son dating a boy. I have to know. I want him to accept me how I am.



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