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Boun's POV

After we came back from the trip. Ohm and I planned to meet on Sunday. We haven't caught up from so long and in the uni we only get to meet during break. So here we are, in a cafe.

"So, how's Prem? " Ohm asks. "He is good ". "Have you confessed yet? ". " No, but I will soon ", " Good for you, just don't wait for too long", I nod. "You look happier here than you were in Phuket............ Huh............ What could be the reason my bro".He wiggled his eyebrows at me. I just smile then we talk about random things and then I came back home.

Prem is gone to the mall with Sammy. He was pouting like a baby, complaining about how Sammy tricked him into going for shopping with her.

Prem's POV

We were in the uni when I told Sammy that I am going to go buy some oil paint and other things from the mall on sunday. She said she has to buy a few things too and asked me to go with her, I agreed. But today when she called me the morning, she told me the unending list of shopping she has to do.

So here we are, in the mall. She is in the salon having a manicure and I am sitting here, waiting for her . She came out of the shop. " Prem, how's it? " She asked me showing her nails.
She has made cute bears on her nail. "Hey, it's so pretty" I said, amazed. It's actually really cute. "Yeah, you wanna do it too"she said. "Umm.......... Can I? " I asked. "Yes, why not? "." Come with me ". Then she dragged me to the salon. I got my nails painted in different pastel colors on each nail and bear face painted on each.

Third person's POV

Since Prem has come home, he is constantly looking at his nails, smiling . Boun is making dinner. He looks at Prem fondly and thinks he is such a baby, he easily gets amused. " Prem, let's eat now "Boun says. " Okay" Prem said and washed his hands. "You must have found a new liking ". " Yes Phi', isn't it cute ".
Boun says " Yes it is " then smiles and thinks in his mind not more than you.

Third person's POV

Next day, Prem is sitting in the painting class. A boy named Art sitting besides Prem says "Hey Prem , your nails look so pretty, my girlfriend likes doing it so much. Why don't you try having long hair too" He said, clearly sneering. Prem couldn't understand his idiotic comment so he just smiled and said "Thanks, but I like my short hair better". Where did the topic of hair come from, Prem thinks.

On the same day, Fluke, Sammy and Prem are in the canteen eating their lunch. There is a boy coming to them. " Prem............ Um............ Can you meet me in the courtyard near the tree when you have finished eating ". He is a student from Prem's major, so Prem knows him. Prem asks confused " Sure, but why? ". " I will tell you when we meet". Prem said "okay ".


A/N - May be he just wanna talk about studies🤔

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