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Boun's POV

Since Prem came from uni, he seems lost in his own thoughts .He looks upset. I didn't ask him until now because I thought he might be just tired, but he didn't say a word through out dinner. But I am getting worried now. I should definitely ask him.

"Prem, are you worried about something? "I ask. " I would be lying if I say no". "You know you can tell me if something bothers you". "I know "he said. " I want to tell you, but............. " He stopped. "Someone proposed me today" He said ,almost mumbling. Someone did what?, what am I gonna do now, Prem won't be......... "Phi'.. " Prem says . "Y.. Yes"." I want to ask you something ", he still looks upset, I should be concerned about him first. " Sure, ask me anything". I should keep my feelings aside. "Phi', he........ Is a boy", he is not making an eye contact. " Okay, so..... are you worried because he is a boy. He shook his head in disagreement. "A boy from my major........... He came to know somehow........... " He looks at me"........ he said......... If I grow my hair and dress like girls, more boys will like me................what is wrong ,if a boy likes another boy". How can some say such thing.
"There is nothing wrong in liking whoever you want, let it be a boy or girl"." it's your life, your preference is what matters and.................. If you like him back............ Date him......... Don't care about others". It hurts to say this but It's alright, as long as Prem is happy.

"No Phi', I asked you because, I have now realized that I like boys, but I don't like him, I have never even talked with him". I can't be happier. I want to tell him that I like him, right now. But it's not the right time yet.
" Prem, let's go for a walk, I will treat you to ice cream". He is smiling again. I can now feel at ease.



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