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Prem's POV

That sound we heard last night was mom's. When I was opening the door for Phi' Boun, she was drinking water in kitchen. She saw two silhouettes in the dark, going upstairs. She thought there we were thieves. So she followed behind us but went back when she heard our voice. She told me everything in the morning. She was teasing me like Sammy and Fluke do and imitated how I said 'i miss you Phi' It was embarrassing as hell. She even told dad. He was shocked at once but when he saw me getting flustered,he said to not worry. He is fine with whoever i date.

I was relieved hearing that they don't oppose me. I wouldn't have bear it. But seeing Uncle's reaction , my happiness died down. It's been two days. What if he tells him to breakup with me. I want to be with him. But I don't want to ruin their relationship because of me. All kinds of thoughts are flooding my mind.

Boun's POV

Dad called me from the kitchen " Boun, come, lunch is ready".
I sit on the chair.
Dad spoke up "Boun, are you angry with me". This is impossible. " No dad, you don't have to think like that, I want you to accept me how I am, I am just....upset, but that doesn't mean I am mad at you". I gave him weak smile " Please Don't worry ". I said then ate my food slowly.

When I was going back to my room, dad stopped me. " Boun.......I am sorry son ,I am not against it , but " He sighed. " Your mom , before dying, she said that she always wants to see you smile, but when you told me that you like Prem, the first thing came to my mind was, if people find out about it they will harshly comment on you, you won't like it would you? I have seen many kids being devastated because of those cruel statements, I just don't want you to deal with anything like that.............But I know that you love me, you only want my approval right? You will be more upset if I keep you away from him...... thank you for not being angry at me and I am sorry for what I did that day". "Dad please, you don't have to say sorry, you are the only one I have, I would never be angry with you, I don't care what they say about me, I have you, I won't be sad if they say anything , I will be happier with Prem, if I have your blessing. I hugged him and then ."let's go now" He said. "Oh...... where? ". " Don't you wanna meet Prem? ". I nodded then we walked to his house.



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