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I am lying on bed staring at the ceiling, recalling today's incidents. When me and phi' Boun came back to the drawing room where everyone else was . As uncle saw us coming he said to my dad looking at clock "we should go now, its already past 10 , we'll catch up the rest tomorrow".
" I wish we could, but we have to return back tomorrow morning, We came to leave Prem ". " I see, but it was fun catching up with you like this, like we used to do when we were kids". Dad smiled at him and nodded. Uncle turned to me and said "Prem, how long will you stay ". I answered " Two weeks, uncle, my school is starting after two weeks ".Dad said " Yeah, I will come again to take him when it's time ". " How about you play with Boun until you are here"uncle said. But before I could answer him phi' Boun said "Dad we are friends now, I will take him to lake tomorrow, I will tell Ohm too".Ohm must be his friend I thought and smiled at him and he smiled back. Then they left after saying good night to everyone. Then when I was going to my room upstairs my dad said " It's good to hear that you made a new friend".

I made a friend. I am happy that he is easy to talk to. We are going to the lake tomorrow. I have been there several times with my grandparents, I really like the place, it's a perfect place to paint. I will take my art supplies too. We are going for sight seeing anyway. I don't think phi' Boun would mind.

Next morning I woke up early because mom and dad are going before 8 a.m. I am going downstairs to see them off. They are having breakfast "good morning mom and dad" . They smiled and mom said "Prem, you didn't have to wake up so early"." I wanted to see you off".

They had their breakfast then we sent them off. "Prem, go brush your teeth, I'll make something delicious for breakfast".Then I brushed my teeth, took shower and come down for breakfast when I see Phi' Boun sitting at the dining table. " Hey, Prem" he say . What is he doing here at this time, yesterday he said we'll go to lake in the evening. "You seem shocked to see me here"." No , Phi', it's just that are we going to the lake, right now"."I called him to play with you"grandma said. "I come to meet grandma quite often, but I'll come everyday till you are here". Woah, this guy, I talked with him for the first time yesterday, I am certain he has a lot of friends. " Okay". "Have breakfast first then go play ".We had breakfast then decided to play uno so I took him to my room.

I open the door and see my paint brushes , sketch book and my clothes are lying all over the floor. I didn't expect that I would be taking someone to my room .Oh no, this is embarrassing, I turned to look at him with an awkward smile" Phi', this......... " He cut my words and said "it's fine Prem, my room looks worse". He pick up one of my sketchbooks and turned pages "These are beautiful, I found a common interest between us".


A/N - Bonding through art sounds cool 👍

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