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I am trying to fall asleep but can't stop thinking about Prem....... and what happened today. I want to scream in joy. I'll get to spend more time with Prem. I had been thinking about going to Bangkok for further studies after high school but after Prem came to my life ,I was determined to make it happen, to pursue my dream and be with him too .

I still remember the first time we met, he was shy and nervous. I didn't even realize how I fell for him. I just couldn't stop thinking about him . Even when he was away from me for three years, my feelings for him didn't change . His cute smile, his flushed red cheeks when he is shy and how he calls me phi' cutely. Haaah.

And today,I thought I was just being weird getting too much excited , but then he suddenly hugged me, I didn't dislike it but rather I was dying to hug him, but I controlled myself thinking it would make him uncomfortable and he'll hate me then. I was so  flustered and blushed. I felt like my heart was about to explode. My crush hugged me for the first time and all I could say was......... So dumb... Ugh. If I had not tell him to stop, I might have fainted.
I want to tell him about how I feel for him, that I have fallen for him. But I don't want to rush things. I have to gain his trust first and do whatever I can to make him happy. Seeing him happy, makes me happier.
Even if he rejects my proposal, I'd be happy to be his friend atleast.

Prem's POV

It's past midnight, but I can't sleep. I am just too happy. Now that I know that he is gonna be there, I am feeling more excited than I was before, Now I can spend more time with phi'. I really missed him. I don't express myself much but today my body reacted on its own, I hugged him. I have never physically shown my feelings to anyone except my parents and grandparents, not even Pineare (my best friend) ,even though we are best friends. So about what I did today, even I was surprised. I didn't realize that I hugged him so hard that he became red. I will be careful next time. Yeah, next time , I don't know, it kind of felt good, maybe because I am closer and comfortable with him. What else could it be anyway.



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