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Prem said he likes me. I didn't hear it wrong, did I?. I pinched myself. It's real, I'm not dreaming. But wait.........
That's when realization hit me. Prem ran away, crying. He thinks that I hate him. I have to have a talk with him . I ran to his floor.

I knocked on his door and shouted his name. "Prem, please open the door". I waited there for a while then tried to call him. He didn't answer, I got a text instead. Prem texted 'Please leave me alone for now. Please go'. No, this can't be happening. He is crying.......... because of me, and I can't even be with him . I can't do anything right now. It hurts to leave him like this, even for a second. But I have to go, he wants me to go. I will tell him everything eye-to-eye tomorrow.

I came back to my room. My head is flooding with thoughts about him. The night passed by.

It's 5 am in the morning, I didn't sleep all night. I don't remember when did I fall asleep. I woke up and looked at the clock. I fell asleep in the morning. There's only half an hour left before we go to uni. I ran to the bathroom to get ready.

I am at his door, but it's locked. He has gone, without me. He overthinks too much, it scares me.

I saw a glimpse of him in the afternoon. He didn't come to canteen today for lunch and we didn't have breakfast either.

He is going home. I ran to catch up to him. "Prem" I shouted. He turned to my direction. I ran up to him. "Before you say anything, listen to me first" I said. "Meet me right after we go back". He is hesitant and looking down" Phi'........ I have to go to library today with Sammy and Fluke and I will be back after having dinner with them........ And you don't have to meet me............. I already know what you are going to say.. ". " No you don't know anything and...... Please don't think that I hate you"I love you, I think in my mind. "Then, let's meet on the rooftop after you come back, I'll already be there".

He looks down after last night. It's not that I only have to confess, but I have to make him smile again. I know exactly what I can do to make him smile.

I am waiting here for him, from almost an hour. And here he comes. Now that the time has come, I am feeling nervous. My heart is beating faster with his every step towards me.


( ^०^ ) 🤩

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