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Boun's POV

That was something............unexpected. Not that I am complaining. I didn't know, Prem would be so expressive. But he didn't even look at me after that. He just said good night then he went inside his room. His cheeks were slightly pink. He was definitely blushing this time.

He must have woken up now. I have to make our breakfast too. I knocked on his door. He opened the door. He looks sleepy but he still has this usual beautiful smile on his face.
I hugged him and placed a kiss on his forehead.
"You just woke up? "I ask. He nods. " Go brush you teeth". "Phi', let's eat noodles today, pleaseee " He said in sleepy voice. "Okay, go now". Oww such a baby.

As days go by, I am really loving this time, as his boyfriend. My love for  him is growing more and more everyday.

It's a starry night today. The wind is blowing slowly. We are here again on the rooftop. Prem is leaning on my shoulder. " Prem, it's been a month, right? ". He lift his head off and said " For what? ". " Uh...h...our......... Never mind". I meant since we started dating. "Ohh.......i know what you mean, you're right, it's been a month". I think he caught on. I actually want to ask him for a kiss. But isn't it too soon............ Or is it not. " Phi'.... do you wanna say something...... uh........ You're staring at me from a minute". Huh........this cute face of him, his pretty eyes, his plumpy lips....uhhhhh..........."
the sky is so beautiful today......and..
Can I........k......kiss you? ". Arrghhhh.... this mouth of mine. I am doomed.  "Oh.. I thought you would never ask" He said almost like a whisper but I heard.

Another shock, but I am glad he wants it too.
I placed my hand on his cheek. He is looking down at his lap. "Prem, look into my eyes.......please". He looks at me. I have been waiting for this moment for long. I placed my lips on his. We are slowly moving our lips . My first kiss with the one I love. I can feel the tingling in my heart. I don't want this moment to end. I want to keep it forever in my heart.
After our kiss ended, Prem hugged me, so I wrapped my arms around him. After sometime " Phi' I am feeling cold" He said. "Okay, it's time to sleep anyway".

I went down to leave him to his room. I turned to go to my own room when Prem grabbed the sleeve of my  t-shirt and said "Sleep with me..... Oh........uh..... I meant.... In my room......don't get me wrong " He said . He seems embarrassed. I should tease him a little. "Ah..Yeah....
...sure.......why would I get you wrong....... did you mean something else".He shakes his head quickly. I grabbed him by shoulder then we go into his room.



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