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What if he has a lover. Except uncle, I can't think of anyone whom he loves this much. I didn't ask him. I should be happy for him. But why can't I .I can't keep liking him. I want to, but I can't. It's heart wrenching.

I didn't want to ruin his birthday, so I controlled myself from crying in front of him. He went to his room after we had dinner. So I came to the rooftop.

Boun's POV

I wished for us to be together for the rest of my life. I can't wait to confess my love to him. Maybe after our exams are over. It'll be a good idea.
I can't wait to hug him , whenever he feels down. Today too, when we were having dinner. He was talking to me like always, but he seemed sad. I felt like he was forcing a smile. Last time he was like this, because a boy told some rubbish to him. He would never tell me on his own. So I have to ask him . I can atleast do that as a friend for now.

I knocked twice on his door. Then I saw, the door is locked from outside. I know where could he has gone to.
I ran to the rooftop. And here he is,

"Prem, what are you doing here at this hour" I said and stand next to him. He seems shocked hearing my voice. He looks at me. Is he............ crying. "Prem, why are you crying, is everything okay?are you okay? ". He keeps looking at me without saying a word. His eyes brimmed up again. " Phi' , it's so h... hard for me, I.......can't bear it...any..more". He said between sobs. "Prem, don't cry, please calm down first, I am here........ I am here " I hug him and begin to stroke his back with one hand and his head with the other.

He has calmed down . "Prem, are you okay now? " He nodded "tell me, is something or someone bothering you". No response. " Are you........... " . "Phi'... " He cut me off before I could say more. "..... Please listen to me" . I nodded in response. "I can't do this, I...... Can not suppress my feelings anymore, it hurts ". What could it be. "I didn't tell you till now........... Because.......... It's so precious to me and I don't want to ruin our friendship but........ It's out of my hand now " He took a step back. "I have to tell you that............. I like... you". What? But how? I can't think of anything to say, my mind is going blank . He is crying again " Phi', I hope you won't hate me". He ran down stairs.


A/N - Is Boun still here 🤭🤭

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