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Boun's POV

"Phi' where you going? I want to eat something" Prem said whining. "Wait right here, I'll be back in a minute". " Be quick please". I nodded and went to the plushie store I just saw.

"Prem" I tapped on his shoulder. He turned and asked me pointing at the big panda plushie "Phi' you like it too". " Who doesn't? " I smiled. "Here, it's for you". Prem looks hesitant " Phi' , but......... ". " Yeah, what? " I ask. "Are you making fun of me again? " He asks pouting. "No, why would I, I was only teasing you that day" I smiled and handed the plushie to him. "Do you like it? " He nodded and smiled. The smile, I adore so much.
"Weren't you hungry? Let's go eat something".

We ate in a restaurant. We are on the way back now. " Phi' Thanks.........for the plushie"prem said. "It's fine, I can atleast do this as your............ friend".

Prem's POV

As my friend. He's right. He is just my friend. Only because he said I can like or love whoever I want, doesn't mean I can like him . I must never tell him that I like him. It will only make things awkward between us. He will hate me. He would not even consider me as his friend. I already burden him so much, I can't anymore. I can not ruin our friendship just because I have a crush. I am sure I can get over it. For me, nothing is more important than our friendship, not even my feelings.

Next morning, I woke up early to make breakfast. I can at least try. Phi' makes breakfast and dinner both. He must be feeling tired after coming back form uni. He still makes food for us. I want to learn cooking, so I can give him rest sometimes.

I am making something simple , as it's my first time. Omlette and Rice is all I could think of making.
Rice is ready. I mixed the ingredients for omlette. I have seen Phi' Boun make it, a lot of times. I can do it too. I poured the mixture into the oil. I think I poured it from a little too high. Aaaand................ oil splattered on my wrist. Phi' Boun is knocking at my door. I should open the door first.
As soon as I open the door, Phi' Boun asked worriedly, seeing me holding my wrist " Are you okay? ".
" Phi'............ "No....... I forgot to turn off the stove. I ran and turned it off but the oil spattered at me again. This time, near my collar bone.
Great, what else was I expecting.



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