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He is here. I ran to his house as soon as he called me. I ring the doorbell. Aunt (Prem's mom) opened the door. "Sawadeekhrab, aunt" I waid. "Where is Prem? " She laughed and said "He is changing upstairs in the room, go kiddo " I ran into the house to his room.

I am standing at front of the door hesitating to knock on it. I think I am being too excited, I should control myself a bit, thinking, I took a breath and before I could knock on the door, it opened.

Third person's POV

They are standing facing each other. Prem's eyes lit up after he sees him , he said "phi'Boun" and hugged him out of a sudden. Now they are both stunned and think in their head Damn.

Prem's POV

What the hell did I do just now. My arms are still wrapped around him.
What do I do  now? He is not even moving. He is shocked. What should I say. And before I overthink more he said "Prem.................. my bones are going to crack". I backed away and smile awkwardly. I think I hugged him too tight , his face is flushed red. I feel embarrassed of what I did but I couldn't think of anything else I just wanted to hug him so my body reacted on its own. " I'm Sorry Phi', come in" . "No need to be sorry Prem, just don't crush my bones next time" . Yeah , next time, I thought and said in a low voice " Sure thing"."I am glad you remember me "he said jokingly . How can i not remember you, you are one of my only two friends I thought and say " Haha, funny, I just called you yesterday". I smile and say "Let's not waste time anymore and make up for three years".

I am sitting behind him on the scooter , he said we going somewhere I like. We talked for hours in my room. It's almost sunset time so I guess I know where we are going.

Boun's POV

We are here at the rock where I took him last time. He is smiling like a kid again. We are sitting on grass taking in the view . I decided to tell him about the surprise. " Prem, I want to tell you something . I took out the admission confirmation letter from a bag I brought with me and handed it to him. He looks shocked after he read it but then he looks at me and smiles wide. "Phi', why didn't you tell me earlier"." I was going to, but before I could, you told me that you are coming here so I thought of surprising you". I took admission in the university where Prem is going to study. "Let's go home Phi' I want to tell everyone".

Then we got back home and tell everyone. My dad was already there chatting with uncle . Uncle asked " Have you looked for a dorm yet" . "No, not yet "I replied. " We have found a one room apartment building for him (Prem), it's only 10 minutes walk away from your university and the rooms are bigger and sufficient for one and it is reputed as one of the best choices of students....... "uncle said. " So if you're fine with it, I'll book a room for you too. "That'll be great" My dad say. "I was really worried about him , but I'll be relieved if they live in the same building".My dad asked me " Are you okay with it"."yes, dad".I am more than happy..I can't believe it, I'll be near my Prem .


A/N - someone's whipped................. 😁😁

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