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It's his birthday today. I woke up at 6 am to spruce up my room for his birthday before going to the university. I am not really good at this, but I'm trying my best to surprise him.

It took me two hours. I go to his room with a mini cake I brought yesterday.

Prem's POV

I heard a knock on my door. I immediately caught on that it's Phi' Boun. He has sworn on not ringing the doorbell. I open the door  and I  see Phi' Boun with a cake in his hands. "Happy Birthday Prem" he says.  "Thank you Phi'" I say. Then we come inside . He started making breakfast. "Hey Prem, did you get a call from uncle and aunt"." Yes, grandma and grandpa too, I hung up just before you came".

We ate breakfast then came to uni. As soon as I entered the classroom hall, I see Fluke and Sammy running towards me. They both bear-hugged me  and shouted in my ears "HAPPY BIRTHDAY". " Guys, I am crushed". They let me off. "Thank you my friends". " I only turned 18 today, don't make me passout already "I said jokingly . They laughed at what I said . " We are going to the cafe today, you  remember, don't you? " Sammy said threatening. Shit, I totally forgot. "Of course I remember"I lied.

Our lecture ended for today. Sammy, Fluke and I are going to a cafe in the  evening to celebrate my birthday , Pineare will be there too. We became really good friends in these two months. We joke around with each other, meet to hang out sometimes and enjoy each other's company. They are loud and expressive while I am the exact opposite, as they say. I am getting used to  hugs after I met them.

I see Phi' Boun waiting in the courtyard . We are walking back to our apartment. " Prem, do you have any plans for today". " Yes Phi', I was about to ask you to go with me, Sammy, Fluke, Pineare and I are going to a cafe to celebrate my birthday".I couldn't tell him earlier because I forgot myself. "Be ready at 5 ". " When will we be back" He asks. "Before 9 , they were planning to go to karaoke too, but I refused "." But why,  do you have something to do" I asked ,hoping that he'll agree on going with  me. "No, I was just asking....... actually............. I have something to show you, I'll show you after we have come back". I sighed in relief. But what could it be that he wants to show me.

Phi' Boun and I are going to the cafe I promised to meet others at. We waited for them at the entrance. We got inside after they all came.
" Happy Birthday to you" they sang. They are now feeding me cake and hugging me one by one. And just as I expected ,Sammy and Fluke hugged me like I am a soft toy. At this rate I'll actually pass out from their overflowing love. Everyone laughes as I groan in pain from their hugging.
It's Phi' Boun's turn now. I don't know why I am getting this weird feeling as he is nearing me.


A/N - It is called getting butterflies, I guess🙄🤭

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